About how a bath gets rid of wrinkles
The benefits of a bath for the skin: how to achieve maximum effect?
The steam room has always been an assistant in preserving and prolonging youth, health, and beauty. Stay in
How to increase the humidity in a steam room - advice from professionals
Created: 06 Nov 2018 Press the stones manually. Succumb to the stones. Not by hand. Use
what to take with you to a public bath
What to take with you to the sauna: creating a gentleman’s set
What to wear? An important question that people ask when going to the steam room for the first time is: what
Is it possible to take a steam bath with bronchitis: what are the restrictions?
A steam room that bathes a person in heat can be perceived as a universal and effective remedy for diseases. Many
Bad from the bath
Do not go to bed after taking a bath and do not lie in bed during the day. Tips to make us sleep like a baby
Remember the famous “Monologue of the stuntman” by Y. Arlazorov: “I was the first to enter the burning hut, though only later
Appearance of dry steam
Several subtleties of steam supply in a Russian steam room
If you believe the reference technical literature, then dry steam is a kind of steam-air substance heated to
why does my head hurt after a bath?
Cooling the human body after staying in a steam room
Headache after a bath due to a number of different factors. Knowing their full list, it is easy to warn
Bathhouse for colds and runny nose: is it possible or not to visit the steam room?
Bathhouse. Arguments against Colds such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, are accompanied by high body temperature.
What is the difference between a sauna and a Russian bath?
What are the main differences between a sauna and a bathhouse? What is closer to you?
For all connoisseurs of bath culture, a bathhouse or sauna is a favorite place to spend time. These pairs
We use essential oils for baths with maximum benefit
Essential oils and their uses Essential oils are volatile oily liquids found in plants.