Bath tea will save you from colds and give you energy

The bathhouse makes the body sweat well, and in the steam room a person often experiences an unquenchable thirst, because it is necessary to replenish the water balance in it regularly. Rare guests of the steam room go into the sauna with alcohol, but real connoisseurs of water procedures know that they need to drink other drinks there. Alcohol further increases the loss of fluid from the body, which can become a real problem in a hot steam room, not to mention the strain on the heart. You can replenish your water balance with ordinary warm drinking water.

But the real health drink is bath tea. If you want to tone up in the steam room or even just relax in the good company of friends, be sure to bring tea in a thermos. And it’s even better if you take several different types of it with you to the bathhouse, since you need to drink one or another variety at different times - before or after the steam room. Also, don’t forget about herbal tea if you go to the bathhouse to improve your health. High temperature, moist hot air and properly selected tea can instantly relieve you of the first signs of a cold or relieve psychological stress. This drink will also be irreplaceable if you regularly visit the steam room for the purpose of losing weight, as it stimulates metabolic processes in the body. And it is important not only to choose the right tea, but also to prepare it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from visiting the sauna.

General recommendations

It is extremely important not only to choose the right drink, but also to prepare it correctly. To preserve most of the valuable properties of tea, it is advisable to brew it using clean water. It is important that there are no foreign odors or impurities in it.

what tea to drink in the bath

To make tea for a bath, sauna or steam room, pour the herbal mixture into a special clay or porcelain bowl and fill it with cold water. Then the liquid is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. It is recommended to infuse the drink for at least five minutes. In the case of using large-leaf herbal collection, it is advisable to increase this time to half an hour.

To prepare a drink based on hard stems, fruits or roots, you need to boil it for ten minutes and then infuse it.

What then to drink in the steam room?

After you go to the bathhouse, experts recommend drinking green or herbal tea.

Drinking green tea has a beneficial effect on the human body after bath procedures
Drinking green tea has a beneficial effect on the human body after bath procedures

Advice! You can buy ready-made tea in the store, but tea made from fresh plants and herbs is considered more beneficial.

You can prepare it yourself and take it to the steam room in a thermos. During bath procedures, you should not get carried away with drinking tea.

The fact is that excess fluid in the body can cause an increase in the load on your heart and kidneys. The recommended dose does not exceed 3 glasses.

If, upon arrival home, you are still thirsty or simply want to enjoy a drink in pleasant company, have a tea party from a samovar with the addition of honey.

Regarding the composition of tea, it is worth noting the following: herbal teas are especially useful after a bath. They will saturate your body with many vitamins and various microelements.

Properly brewed tea after a bath works wonders!
Properly brewed tea after a bath works wonders!

Today you can find thousands of different recipes for tea drinks that are useful to take after a bath. The price of such tea can be extremely low, but the benefits of taking it can be very high.

However, there are important rules, the observance of which allows you to prepare the right tea. It will have beneficial properties and have a positive effect on human health.

So, let’s outline the recommendations of experienced specialists:

  1. The herbal mixture must be filled with water, which has been brought to a boil. However, there is no need to allow it to boil violently;
  2. Tea from delicate petals, flowers and leaves should be brewed in porcelain or earthenware. This drink should steep for at least five minutes;
  3. Tea made from rough leaves should be steeped for at least thirty minutes;
  4. If the recipe calls for the use of fruits, roots and stems of plants, then they will need to be thoroughly chopped and poured with boiled water at room temperature. Then the dishes are placed on the fire and brought to a boil. It takes ten to twelve minutes for the drink to boil. Then the dishes are covered with a lid and left to brew.

Advice! If you want to enrich yourself with vitamins and nutrients, prepare new tea every time. If you boil already prepared tea again, it will lose all the beneficial components it contains.

Tips for use

It should be noted that bath teas are recommended to be consumed hot or warm. When boiled again, they lose most of their valuable properties. It is equally important to know which herbal teas you can drink before, during and after the bath.

So, immediately before entering the steam room, you can only drink tonic teas. For these purposes, you can brew rose hips, as well as strawberry or lingonberry leaves.

teas for baths

In the steam room itself, it is advisable to drink vitamin or diaphoretic bath tea. It is brewed from currants, cherries, wild strawberries or strawberries. You can also use a drink made from a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort and linden blossom for these purposes. Collecting these herbs enhances the healing effect of the bath and helps improve immunity.

After visiting the steam room, it is recommended to drink soothing teas. As a rule, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort and mint are brewed for this. It should be noted that it will take only seven minutes to infuse such a collection.

The benefits of vitamin drinks

Those who have not yet decided what kind of tea to drink in the bathhouse can be advised to pay attention to options prepared from field or forest herbs and fruits. They contain a huge amount of biologically active substances. They are rich in vitamins, enzymes, microelements and organic acids.

bath tea for weight loss

St. John's wort, raspberry, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, primrose, angelica, lemongrass and lavender are often used to prepare such teas. They are often brewed from cherry, currant, barberry, sea buckthorn, rowan or strawberry leaves. Blackberries, nettles and rose hips are also suitable for these purposes.

Drinks against colds

When planning a trip to the bathhouse, you can prepare a very healthy tea in advance, which allows you to quickly get rid of respiratory diseases. Pour a tablespoon of linden inflorescences into a pre-prepared bowl and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Infuse this drink for a quarter of an hour. If desired, natural honey is added to it.

best tea for bath

Another simple, but at the same time very effective tea can be made from berries and dried raspberry leaves, mixed in a 1:2 ratio. The prepared plant material is poured with boiling water and left for about half an hour.

An excellent anti-cold remedy that can be used during bath procedures is an infusion made from sage, St. John's wort and chamomile flowers. All components are combined in equal quantities. To prepare tea, pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water and infuse for an hour.

What drinks can you drink?

A bathhouse is an amazing place where a person can both relax and cleanse their body of harmful substances. But at the same time, he experiences enormous stress during rapid fluid loss. That is why, after the procedure, the water balance in the body is restored by drinking. But what bath drinks are recommended to be consumed, and which ones should absolutely not be taken after the steam room?

It has long been believed that in the bath you need to drink tea infused with all kinds of medicinal herbs with the addition of honey. But besides this, there are many different drinks that will also be useful after visiting a bath or sauna. These include:

  • kvass;
  • natural juice;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • mineral water.

As for tea, it should be consumed correctly – slightly warm. Do not drink it cold under any circumstances. It is advisable to drink any drinks not in one gulp, but in small sips. The tea drinking process should be stretched out for about 10 minutes. This will not only allow you to maximize the respite after the steam room, but also improve your health by replenishing the body with useful substances.

They drink not ordinary tea, as we are used to at home, but infused with various herbs with the addition of fruits and even berries. But if you don’t have herbal tincture, you can replace it with green tea with lemon. It will also be beneficial for the cardiovascular system and the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract.

Cold drinks for use in the sauna include natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Natural juices

For this you can use apples, carrots, oranges, cranberries, currants, lingonberries, as well as other fruits, vegetables and berries. Such drinks not only quench your thirst, but are also a source of vitamins. They increase human immunity, saturate the body with useful substances, and also restore elasticity to the skin, thereby preserving its natural beauty.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs should be done correctly. When preparing a mixture of plants with your own hands at home, you need to adhere to certain doses and reasonable concentrations. You should be very careful when preparing decoctions. But, nevertheless, this method of cleansing the body has a beneficial effect on a person’s general condition, allowing him to get sick less often, at least from colds.

Another traditional drink is kvass. It perfectly quenches thirst, activating the functioning of the whole body. But you shouldn't buy drinks from a retail chain. Just like ready-made juices in packages, store-bought kvass can contain a large number of preservatives. Therefore, it is better to do it yourself. It can be a bread or fruit drink.

Mineral water is taken only without gas, since carbon dioxide activates all functions in the body, and a person after a steam room receives an extra load on the heart. Likewise, it is strictly prohibited to consume any alcoholic beverages. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to taking beer, wine or a forty-degree drink with them to the bathhouse, this is strongly not recommended.

Sweat Tea Recipes

Black elderberry, strawberries and raspberries are great for making such drinks. All these plants have excellent diaphoretic properties. In addition, teas brewed from them contain a large amount of useful vitamins and microelements.

A very simple, but at the same time effective drink can be made from a mixture of raspberries and linden blossom. A tablespoon of this collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for at least a quarter of an hour.

puer tea in bath

For those who have not yet decided what tea to drink in the bathhouse, we can recommend preparing it using a collection consisting of an equal number of linden flowers and black elderberry. This is a fairly effective drink that has an excellent diaphoretic effect.

A good tea is made from a mixture of peppermint leaves and elderberry, linden and chamomile flowers. To brew the drink, all the above components are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water.

Tea made from one part of oregano herb and two parts of raspberries and coltsfoot leaves has an excellent diaphoretic effect. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for at least five minutes.

What is the beauty of tea

Tea has been taken into the bathhouse since time immemorial. And from the times of pagan Rus' to this day, herbal teas remain the most popular drink of true connoisseurs and deep experts in bathing. Why is tea so popular?

Conventionally, all teas, according to the mechanism of their effect on the human body, can be divided into several large groups:

  • Thirst-quenching. This group has the simplest mechanism of physiological action. While in the steam room, the body actively loses moisture. To maintain the water-salt balance, the moisture deficit must be replenished, which, in fact, happens in the most natural and unpretentious way;
  • Toning. These teas, due to their inherent set of active substances, increase phasomotor functions, elevate mood, improve general well-being and worldview on a purely emotional level. This subtle moment was felt by American business back in the century before last, which brought to the market a tonic drink that is still triumphantly marching around the planet - Coca-Cola. The Soviet industry could not stand aside and responded with “Baikal” and subsequently the store shelves were filled with various tonics, the names of which, sometimes, even the manufacturer himself does not remember. It is obvious that tea in a tonic bath acts more naturally and softly than a synthetic mixture of something unknown, richly seasoned with carbon dioxide;
  • Vitamin. Drinks of this type are aimed at charging the human body with a shock dose of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full maintenance of life and functionality. They are especially good in winter, when access to vegetables and fruits is somewhat limited;
  • Teas for the prevention and treatment of certain types of diseases. Herbal medicine or herbal medicine has long enjoyed well-deserved fame, and its use, in combination with bath procedures, gives a good therapeutic effect. They are also called health-improving. This group also includes very popular, especially recently, antioxidants. And herbal medicine knows plants that have such a pronounced effect;
  • Relaxing. This group acts as a counterbalance to tonic teas, and has a pronounced anti-stress orientation. The calming, relaxing atmosphere of a bathhouse, especially an oriental one, in combination with such drinks allows you to confidently get out of stress and get rid of the negative manifestations of post-stress syndromes.

Recipes for teas for baths

Of course, the choice of drink depends on the taste preferences of each individual person and on the goals that he pursues. So, some drink a drink made from linden, others from mint, and still others from berries.

Those who have not yet decided what tea to drink in the bathhouse can be advised to pay attention to the lingonberry version. It has excellent diuretic and antiseptic properties. It is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, cystitis, gout, obesity and liver diseases. To prepare such a drink, combine green tea and crushed lingonberry leaves in a 1:2 ratio in one container and pour boiling water over it. For a glass of hot water you will need a teaspoon of this mixture. Infuse the drink for a quarter of an hour.

tea after bath recipe

To strengthen the immune system and tone the body, we can recommend another recipe. Perhaps this is the best tea for a bath, since it has excellent restorative properties. To prepare it, dried oregano stems are used. One teaspoon of crushed herbal raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for several minutes. It is important not to over-exert the drink. Otherwise, it will lose its delicious natural aroma.

Green tea after the steam room

Immediately after visiting the sauna you should drink a large amount of liquid. Not so long ago, people preferred regular black tea, but recently other varieties have come into fashion, among which green tea took first place. Despite the fact that this drink is less aromatic compared to black, it is not inferior to it in terms of the number of active ingredients, vitamins and beneficial properties.

The healthiest tea is green
Green tea is healthier

Green tea is a special variety, the production of which does not involve fermentation or steeping processes. Thanks to the careful processing of green leaves, the infusion retains the entire necessary complex of microelements and vitamins. It has a greenish tint, a pleasant faint odor and a bitter taste.

The chemical composition of green tea contains a special component called theanine. This substance helps stimulate brain cells, has a calming effect on the entire body and helps the body relax after the heat in the steam room. At the same time, the person does not fall into a sleepy state, but on the contrary, feels cheerful and filled with energy. Green tea allows you to:

  • Think clearly
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Completely get rid of fatigue

In order for green tea to be most effective after a steam room, you need to use a recipe for its preparation that was known to our ancestors. It is important to know that when brewing tea, it is forbidden to use boiling water.

  1. You need to boil the water and let it cool slightly.
  2. When the water has reached the required temperature, pour it over the green tea leaves and drain immediately. This is necessary so that the drink is not bitter.
  3. Next, the washed tea leaves are poured with new boiled water and infused for 5 minutes.

You need to remember one rule: when drinking a drink after completing bath procedures, you do not need to add milk or sugar to it. If a person is not used to drinking unsweetened tea, sugar can be replaced with one spoon of honey. The use of other sweeteners is not recommended. Return to content

Black tea

Despite the popularity of green tea, many people prefer to use some recipe inherited from their grandmother. This is argued by the fact that it was in the old days that people treated the bathhouse with respect. Even the smallest details, without which not a single bath procedure is complete, were approached with great responsibility.

Black velvet tea

Maintaining ancient traditions, most continue to brew simple black tea in samovars, since it:

  • Considered the best solution to quench thirst
  • Gives you the opportunity to get a breath of freshness
  • Helps cleanse the kidneys
  • Allows you to stabilize the process of capillary blood circulation

To get as much benefit as possible from this wonderful drink, in addition to black tea, it is advisable to add washed raspberry leaves or linden inflorescences to the teapot. Thanks to this combination, you can increase sweating. However, doctors strongly recommend not to get too carried away with such drinking, since large amounts of the drink can have a negative effect on the kidneys.

A good solution would be to combine black tea with dry leaves of strawberries, mint, currants or St. John's wort. You can also add any jam to it. You should drink tea with the addition of various herbs or berries 20 minutes after completing the bath procedures and in small portions. Basically, 150-200 ml of the drink will be enough to restore the water balance in the body, but if you want to drink more, you can simply rinse your mouth with tea.

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What tea to drink after a bath?

This is the question that worries those who first decided to visit the steam room. Tonic drinks with aromatic additives are best suited for such purposes. Today, there are many recipes that can be used to prepare such teas.

herbal tea after the bath

To brew one of these drinks, you will need a liter of filtered water, a whole lemon and three tablespoons of tea. You will have to prepare it at home, before going to the bathhouse. To do this, carefully remove the peel from the lemon, dry it in a preheated oven, carefully chop it and combine it with the tea leaves. The resulting mixture is poured into a pre-prepared kettle and poured boiling water. After five minutes, the drink is poured into a thermos and taken with you to the sauna. If desired, add sugar or honey.

Why drink tea in the bathhouse?

The main healing effect of the steam room is increased sweating. Thanks to this process, toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in the body are released from the human body through the pores. If you choose the right diaphoretic drink for drinking tea in a steam room, you can further enhance the process of sweating, and therefore the natural cleansing of the body. Thus, the most beloved black tea among the people not only replenishes the fluid balance in the body, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and circulatory system. In addition, both black and green teas contain caffeine, which has a tonic effect on the body.

In the bathhouse, a person relaxes greatly, and there is a risk that he may be tempted to sleep. To prevent this from happening, you can drink a little tea, and vigor will be guaranteed. The tea also contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. For example, vitamin K normalizes the structure of the blood, in particular, increases its ability to clot. And vitamin P acts on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them.

This drink also contains special chemical compounds, polyphenols, which have a complex of healing properties:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • improves digestion;
  • blood-restoring.

Drinking green tea in the bathhouse is no less beneficial. And it is even more appropriate to prepare a herbal decoction, which is the most healthy and natural drink. But even if you're not a fan of herbal infusions, make regular black tea healthier by just adding a few simple additional ingredients. Thus, blackcurrant or raspberry leaves will add an indescribable aroma to a hot drink. But if you initially brew the tea together with dried raspberry branches or dried linden blossom, the drink will become not only a tonic, but also a prophylactic - it will work as a protective remedy against colds.

Many people who visit the bathhouse are tempted to refresh themselves not with hot drinks, but with cool ones, since they believe that cold water will cool them down faster. In the case of diving into cool water in a pool, this will indeed work, but when exposed from the inside, it will not. Iced tea will not help lower your body temperature after a steam bath. Research conducted by American scientists from Harvard University has proven the short-term cooling effect. A cold drink can only cool the mouth and throat, but no more (and people with reduced immunity are even guaranteed a negative result: the occurrence of a throat disease due to a sharp temperature contrast). At the same time, traditional hot tea, drunk in the bathhouse after visiting the steam room, can lower the temperature of the entire body by a couple of degrees.

But the main thing in the bath is not to overdo it with the amount of black tea. It has a high caffeine content, and therefore it will be an additional load on the heart, which already has to work at an increased pace due to the heat. That’s why experts recommend taking several hot drinks with you to the spa complex, including herbal infusions, so that you can change them and enjoy healthy drinks for as long as you like.

Bath tea for weight loss

A drink made from a mixture of rosehip and stinging nettle decoctions is considered an excellent way to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, you can add lemon balm, mint, tansy, wormwood, viburnum, raspberry and hawthorn fruits to them. It is advisable to add a little honey, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to the finished drink.

Pu-erh tea is also considered a good way to lose weight. In the bath, its effect only intensifies. This drink helps remove waste, toxins and excess fluid. It speeds up the process of digesting food and normalizes metabolism. It should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Since this tea has an invigorating and tonic effect, it is not advisable to drink it in the evening.

Herbal recipe

This option will be a real find for those who like to drink tea after a bath. The recipe is interesting because it contains various medicinal herbs. To prepare a similar drink, which was known to our distant ancestors, crushed rose hips and dried oregano herb are combined in one container. St. John's wort is also sent there. Mix everything thoroughly, add hot water and leave for twenty minutes.

This herbal tea after a bath is not recommended for allergy sufferers and people suffering from chronic kidney disease. Everyone else can drink it in unlimited quantities. It is advisable to prepare it immediately before use.

Bath and alcohol. Benefit or harm?

Alcohol in the bath

How does alcohol affect the human body? Alcohol dilates blood vessels, then they sharply narrow, which causes blood pressure to rise. Considering that the temperature in the steam room is high, and the pulse is increased, this leads to a very rapid heartbeat. As a result of the impact on the body of the two above factors, we get, at best, a headache. At worst, it could end in a stroke.

It is unsafe to plunge into cold water or fall into snow while intoxicated. Such events, while drunk, put too much strain on the heart. Conclusion - alcohol in a bathhouse only causes harm.

After the bath

Is it possible to “sip” after the heart has calmed down and the body has cooled down after the bath procedures? Let us remember what the great Russian commander Suvorov said about this: “After the bath, at least put down your trousers and drink a hundred grams.” Please note that we are talking about 100 grams, not a liter of vodka. Also, we must not forget that Suvorov spoke these words to soldiers who were in the field and could actually catch a cold after a bath without drinking a hundred grams. Since we, as a rule, take bath procedures in more comfortable conditions, you can easily do without alcohol, both in the bath and after it.


  1. Alcohol and steam rooms are incompatible;
  2. There should be fresh air in the steam room, so there is no need to add vodka to the heat.

Refreshing drink

The recipe in question was developed in the eighties of the last century. It was invented by employees of the Scientific Institute of Medicinal Plants. This healthy tea should be drunk immediately after visiting the steam room. The restorative and refreshing drink contains ten herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The use of this collection helps to normalize the activity of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

In one bowl, combine an equal amount of chamomile, corn silk, rose hips, St. John's wort, peppermint, oregano, valerian root, eucalyptus leaves, hawthorn and coltsfoot. Store the finished mixture in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. You need to infuse the brewed drink for about half an hour. It is advisable to consume this tea chilled and no more than two hundred milliliters.

How to refresh yourself in a bathhouse

Toning hot drinks, which are best to start your relaxation in the bathhouse, can be based on black or green tea, or herbal. The latter are quite easy to prepare. Moreover, all they need is just the fragrant leaves of several plants and rose hips. For example, you can chop a couple of rose hips, add a couple of leaves of blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries, and black currants. Pour a glass of cold water over everything, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another ten minutes. Then remove from heat and let sit for five minutes.

It will take more work to create a good refreshing drink, since it contains about a dozen plants. But this decoction will become a real vitamin cocktail. To brew tea you need to take the following components:

  • chamomile;
  • rose hip;
  • corn silk;
  • oregano;
  • peppermint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • valerian (roots);
  • coltsfoot;
  • hawthorn.

You can prepare a refreshing tea from them directly in the bathhouse or sauna. Mix all the ingredients one teaspoon at a time, pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be left to steep for half an hour. Then cool and drink in small sips. Due to the rich composition of this tea, you can drink no more than one glass. At the same time, the benefits of such a drink are extraordinary. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and also normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to drink this decoction in the bathhouse after visiting the steam room.

Tea made from rose hips and black rowan berries has an interesting and refreshing taste (sold in pharmacies under the name “Chokeberry”). You need to take two tablespoons of both ingredients per 400 ml of boiling water. Fill with water and leave to brew for thirty to forty minutes.

But this unusual recipe is suitable as a tonic tea for a bath, according to which you can prepare two servings of the fragrant drink.

Bay leaf2 pcs.
ginger root1 PC.
cinnamon, cumin, minton the tip of a knife
black or green loose leaf tea1 tsp.
water½ liter

Grate a small piece of ginger on a fine grater and mix with all the other ingredients. Pour in water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour. Remove from heat and let the tea steep for five minutes. If you wish to sweeten the drink, use a small amount of honey.

To refresh yourself in the sauna, you can brew a simple tea consisting of just one ingredient - black currant leaves. You need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed berry leaves and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. Leave to sit for at least twenty minutes.

Tea made from black currant leaves will not only help maintain water balance in the bath, but also stimulate metabolism. Therefore, it is worth adopting for people who perform anti-cellulite self-massage in the steam room and want to get rid of excess weight.

Soothing herbal teas

Those who are still thinking about what kind of tea to drink in the bathhouse can be advised to try preparing another option. It has a sedative effect and helps get rid of sleep problems. To make such a herbal mixture, you will need one tablespoon of Tatar plant flowers, crushed valerian root, lemon balm and mint leaves. All this is mixed in a clean glass container and stored in a cool, dark place. To brew tea, pour a tablespoon of the herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and pour into cups.

Another drink made from dried hop cones, crushed valerian root, motherwort and mint has a good sedative effect. To make a soothing bath tea, you will need to mix one tablespoon of these ingredients, pour half a liter of boiling water over them and leave for twenty minutes.

Choosing the optimal recipe

Herbal teas for baths are distinguished by a wide choice and a very diverse effect. Therefore, selecting the optimal recipe is by no means an easy matter.

Traditional herbal tea after a bath is a rich infusion obtained by brewing the stems, roots, flowers and fruits of plants with boiling water, which has a certain effect on the human body at the physiological level. A prerequisite is the complete absence of natural or synthetic caffeine in the final product.

Attention! In the tsarist era, as imported tea from China appeared on the market, fireweed tea, obtained from the herb Ivan tea, became an inexpensive alternative. This drink did not have a pronounced tonic effect and was held in special esteem in monasteries and Old Believer hermitages throughout the Russian North.

Various herbal preparations differ quite strongly in both the nature and depth of the effect they have on the human body. For ease of perception, we will compile the information below in the form of a table.

So, if the main goal of your trips to the bathhouse is to lose weight, then the teas offered will perfectly complement the system for obtaining a tangible final result:

Tea nameRecipe in mass parts, in gr.
Multivitamin tea for weight loss, with pronounced restorative propertiesBuckthorn bark - 30, dandelion root - 10, parsley fruit - 10, peppermint herb - 10. 1 tbsp of the mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water. One-time dose no more than 200 ml. Full course - 6 weeks, 1 time per week
Rowan tea for weight lossRowan berries - 70, rose hips - 10, stinging nettle leaves - 30 1 tbsp mixture per 250 ml of boiling water, infusion for about 25 - 30 minutes. One-time dose no more than 500 ml. Full course 6 weeks, with cyclical visits to the bathhouse once a week
Blackberry tea for weight lossBlackberry or wild strawberry leaves - 80, buds or young birch leaves - 10, mother and stepmother grass - 10. The mixture is poured in a ratio of 1/20 with boiling water, infused for 15 - 20 minutes and consumed at the end of the bath procedures in the amount of 400 - 500 ml. The course of herbal treatment is 2 months, subject to visiting the bathhouse at least once a week

A word from Experienced! If the main goal of drinking tea in a sauna is to lose weight, then you should definitely give up the practice of sweetening the tea. When drinking drinks for the purpose of prevention and restoration of the body’s water balance, you should use only natural honey or eat dried apricots or prunes as a snack.

In times of accelerated pace of life and constant stress, diaphoretic bath tea does not have the same importance as soothing tea. This bath tea, the recipe for which we provide, has been tested by practice and has very positive dynamics, both in the relief of stressful conditions and in their prevention.

Proven Soothing Tea Recipe

  • Peppermint - 10 gr.
  • Lemon mint or lemon balm - 10 gr.
  • Valerian officinalis root - 10 g.
  • Wild strawberry or garden raspberry leaves - 30 gr.
  • Large-fruited hawthorn fruits - 40 g.
  • Flowers of prickly tartar or thistle - 10 g.

1 tbsp. l. 250 ml of mixture is brewed. boiling water and infuse for 30 minutes. One-time consumption rate is about 300 - 350 ml. The oncoming effect is palpable and mentally tangible. The kinematic effect of this collection is quite pronounced, so within 2 hours after drinking the drink, a decrease in the reaction to external stimuli is possible, which is something you should definitely remember when getting behind the wheel. For more complete extraction of the active substance, it is useful to wrap the teapot in a cotton towel, felt, or use a high-quality thermos. It is good to sweeten such a drink with linden, flower and acacia honey.

Moroccan mint tea recipe

To prepare this tasty and healthy drink, you need to stock up on all the ingredients in advance. In this case you will need:

  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Five sprigs of fresh mint.
  • A couple of teaspoons of green tea.
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Sugar and washed and dried mint leaves are placed at the bottom of a pre-prepared kettle. All this is poured with 150 milliliters of boiling water and covered with a lid. Green tea and the remaining hot water are placed in another bowl. After five minutes, the infusions are mixed in one bowl and poured into cups. The water used to prepare this drink should not boil for long. It is removed from the heat immediately after the first bubbles appear.

How to drink health drinks in a bathhouse

It would seem that it would be easier, drink a cup of water, the issue is resolved. No, for drinks to be beneficial, it is advisable to follow simple rules for drinking fluids:

  • Drink slowly in small sips - chilled drinks heat up to body temperature, cooling it, and hot drinks cool down along with the body.
  • Do not drink with ice - the temperature difference can adversely affect your health.
  • It is useful to take acidified drinks - tea, regardless of black or green with lemon, quenches thirst.
  • Drinking in one gulp and a lot at once is harmful; you can drink up to 200 ml at a time.
  • Even distribution of medicinal teas and herbal infusions before the bath, on time, after the procedures will maintain your water balance.

Tea balm recipe

To prepare this drink, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. To get an aromatic and tasty drink you will need:

  • A couple of spoons of black tea.
  • Honey.
  • Three teaspoons each of chopped rose hips and hawthorn.
  • A couple of fresh mint leaves.

Combine all the bulk ingredients in one bowl and pour boiling water over them. For every two teaspoons of the resulting mixture you will need 250 milliliters of hot water. The drink should be infused for at least fifteen minutes. After this time, it is filtered, sweetened with natural honey and poured into cups.

Option with rose hips

This time you should have:

  • 20 grams of black tea.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • Liter of water.
  • 200 grams of rose hips.
  • Orange zest.

In a deep bowl, mix water with sugar and put it on the stove. After the liquid boils, add rose hips and cook for another five minutes. The resulting infusion is poured into black tea combined with orange zest and set aside for a quarter of an hour. After this, the drink is filtered, sweetened with honey and poured into cups.

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