A well-forgotten linden bathhouse broom. Steaming with pleasure

Linden bath broom

Greetings to all lovers of hot healing steam!

Nowadays, birch or oak brooms are most often used in paired procedures. The linden broom is, as a rule, rarely used. And this is a big omission of current steamers. Even our ancestors in Ancient Rus' steamed with linden.

They built the same baths and houses from this wonderful wood. They made kvass and mead from linden, and, of course, they valued natural fragrant linden honey. For a long time, Russian people knew all the healing power of this beautiful fragrant tree. Let's take a closer look at why a linden bath broom is so useful.

Selection principles

When choosing a linden broom in a store or market, you need:

  1. Sniff the bunch. If you smell rot, you need to continue looking for a better option.
  2. Try to bend the broom. If the branches begin to crack and break, the raw material procurement technology has been violated.
  3. Shake the bundle by the handle. If a lot of leaves fall off, it means the branches were dried incorrectly.

You also need to pay attention to the handle. It should fit comfortably in your hand without rubbing your skin.

Linden bath broom

Linden is a gorgeous, unique tree! People say only good, kind words about her. It has long been considered a healing plant, and in the bathhouse the linden broom acts as a healer.

It’s a pity that in our North, such a tree is very rare. Finding such a broom on sale is quite difficult.

Trade and market stalls also do not indulge in offers of this nature.

It was with great surprise that I saw a linden broom at the market today. It’s amazing, it’s winter, it’s frosty, and he, my darling, lies and looks at me. Oh, and what a wonderful aroma. I asked the salesman where such wealth came from here. It turned out that the handsome linden man had arrived all the way from the Krasnodar region! The broom, of course, is rich, and costs 150 rubles accordingly. Well, I made the journey to Arkhangelsk!

linden broom on the market
Me with a linden broom in winter in Arkhangelsk

In more southern latitudes, the distribution area of ​​linden is much larger. And people don’t even think about the fact that such a long-liver lives, grows and blooms next to them. After all, a tree lives for a very long time - 300 - 400 years!

Interesting fact: the expression “Linden Seal” got its name due to the amazing properties of linden wood. It was from this that scammers in the old days used to cut fake seals. This wood is very good for fine processing.

Linden is one of the few trees that, after flowering, does not produce tangible fruits, such as cones on a birch tree or rowan berries. After flowering, which lasts 10–15 days, fruits—peas—are formed. Therefore, the most suitable time for harvesting brooms is the linden flowering period, from early June to mid-July. There is such a subtlety: it is advisable to prepare brooms on the waning moon.

Just imagine, a tall tree strewn with small flowers. Such a bright, prominent tree crown is not often found in the plant world. The intoxicating and enchanting smell of linden blossoms literally envelops everything around it with cotton candy.

How linden blossoms
Any tree has energy; the linden tree emits the energy of warmth and peace. A tree can take away our fears and depression. Hold on to the trunk of the linden tree and there will be no trace of depression left. This tree takes everything that is bad and oppressive, look at the trunk - it is all covered in human suffering - growths. The Slavs sincerely believed that the linden tree could warm the soul. Well, the energy of this tree will preserve human health and good spirits.

Linden trunk

It is not for nothing that in the old days the linden broom was no less popular than the birch or oak one. It holds the palm for its diaphoretic properties. And this means that all waste and toxins will quickly run away along with sweat from your body. It is believed that a linden broom can even be used to remove stones and sand from the kidneys.


Linden leaves contain enormous benefits, essential oils and bactericidal substances. A linden broom treats headaches and frayed nerves. At the first sign of a cold, the fake doctor has no equal. It helps with bronchitis, heals wounds, and stimulates kidney function. And if you are tormented by insomnia, I highly recommend steaming with a linden broom, and after the bath, drinking linden tea with honey. You'll sleep like a baby!

To soften the skin and give it elasticity, cosmetologists recommend washing your face with water to which an infusion of linden blossom has been added.

But I am amazed not by the benefits of the linden broom, but by the unprecedented aroma of flowering. This is one of my favorite scents! Can you imagine what the steam room will smell like! This is far from a tart, cloying smell. This is the smell of bliss!

I usually found prefabricated linden brooms in retail sales. But I want to say that such a broom itself is not bad. The branches are abundant in foliage, not too flexible, and the whiplash of the broom is also excellent. Under no circumstances should you steam a broom in hot water; simply dip it in warm water. And a fresh broom does not require soaking at all; the heat of the sauna stove under the sauna ceiling is enough for it.

Linden leaf

Even branches are suitable for harvesting; there should be no diseased growths on the leaves. Small pests, aphids and ants have discovered the benefits of linden, so choose branches with intact foliage. And let the tree itself grow away from roads, so that it does not feed on any exhaust gases or dust.

A dry, fine day is the best time to prepare a broom. Morning dew will also not be your ally. The broom should be dried in the shade and in a well-ventilated area, since the sun will destroy all the useful power of the linden magician.

Today, the linden broom has lost its popularity in the bathhouse kingdom. Perhaps many people do not realize the unprecedented benefits of the linden magician, but once you take the linden one with you to the bathhouse, you recognize it as equal to other brooms.

Methods of application

Application principles:

  1. Fresh branches do not need to be doused with boiling water before use. Just water them with cold water.
  2. Brooms that have already been used should be placed in hot water for 2-3 minutes before use.

The infusion that remains after steaming the broom is recommended to be used for pouring over hot stones.

Photo 748

DIY making

To make a broom for a bath from linden branches with your own hands, you need to know when to correctly collect consumable raw materials, where it is best to get them, how to properly dry and steam cut branches before visiting the steam room.

Time and place for collection

Rules for choosing a time and place for collecting linden branches:

  1. You need to choose trees that are located away from large enterprises and roads.
  2. You cannot cut branches from trees that are too young. This may lead to their death.
  3. In the old days, linden branches were cut off after Trinity. During this period, the shoots are most elastic and covered with a large number of young leaves.

Some bath attendants advise collecting linden shoots during the flowering period of the tree.

Selection of branches and collection rules

Rules for selecting and collecting branches:

  • It is recommended to cut only young light branches;
  • the optimal length of shoots is 50 cm;
  • It is best to use sharp pruning shears for cutting.

Branches should be cut in dry weather. After the last precipitation, at least 2-3 days should pass.


Steaming branches:

  1. Immerse young shoots in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes.
  2. Dip the branches in cold water for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave the branches for 3-4 hours in warm water.


Drying linden branches:

  1. Place the shoots on dry boards or newspapers in a dark room. They should not be exposed to sunlight.
  2. After a day, turn the branches over to the other side and leave for 24 hours.
  3. Stretch the thread across the room and hang branches on it for further drying.

The room should be well ventilated.


Manufacturing principles:

  1. Step back 10 cm from the underside of the branches to create a handle. It is necessary to cut off twigs and leaves from this place so that they do not rub your hand during bath procedures.
  2. Place thick branches on the outside, thin branches on the inside.
  3. Tie the bundle with twine.

Trim branches to the same length.

The benefits of bath brooms

As I already said, bath brooms are made from a variety of plants and tree branches; in this article we will focus on less common options. For me personally, the main brooms are made of birch and oak, sometimes I use fir and linden brooms. This is quite enough to diversify the bathing process, but I recommend that you start from what is more accessible to you. Carefully inspect your garden or neighboring forest. Surely there are many plants growing there that are suitable for a bath broom. By the way, a broom not only contains healing substances, but also an excellent massage accessory. But each broom has its own recommendations for use, and in order to understand the benefits of a bath broom, we will consider each of them separately.

The benefits of birch brooms

Birch leaves are a real treasure trove of useful substances that, under the influence of heat and steam, settle on your skin. Fetoncides, which are released by a birch leaf when heated, clean the air of the bathhouse from pathogenic bacteria. Have you ever walked in a birch thicket? Have you felt how fresh and pleasant the air is there for our lungs? All this is thanks to the substances contained in birch leaves. Unfortunately, birch branches are collected only for a week a year. And now the main useful qualities for which I love birch brooms so much:

  • Remarkably cleanses the body of impurities and toxins, makes the skin soft and silky.
  • It has a very beneficial effect on the kidneys and diuretic system.
  • It has a beneficial effect on people suffering from respiratory diseases and is recommended for smokers and asthmatics. Be prepared for the discharge of sputum, the bronchi expand.
  • Contains many essential oils that are useful for skin diseases and acne.
  • Flexible and elastic, great for massage treatments.

The benefits of birch brooms

The benefits of coniferous brooms

We include fir, pine, spruce, cedar, and juniper brooms in this group. The most important advantage of conifers is that they contain natural antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action. Well, the smell that pine needles give off when heated is simply indescribable. Let's look at the cases in which it is recommended to use coniferous brooms:

  1. For skin diseases, acne, shallow cuts and wounds.
  2. Raises vitality and mood, helps with chronic fatigue.

Brooms from pine needles And remember the wonderful ability of conifers - they can be collected all year round.

The benefits of oak brooms

And my favorite broom is a broom made from oak branches. How pleasant do oak leaves smell and fill the bathhouse air with energy and positivity? Oak leaves contain a very useful component - tannic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. The main difference between an oak broom and a birch one is that birch increases sweating, while oak, on the contrary, reduces it, which is why an oak broom is very useful for people with oily skin.

Advice from an experienced bath attendant. After steaming the oak broom, do not pour it into the water from the basin, but use it as soap and shampoo. The resulting infusion perfectly helps in the treatment of dandruff, acne, and will make your skin soft and elastic.

A very nice oak broom. Flavonoids, which are contained in oak foliage, have a beneficial effect on the human vascular system and help the functioning of the nervous system.

The benefits of aspen broom

The effect of an aspen broom is similar to the healing effect of an oak broom. Let's look at the main positive aspects of an aspen broom:

  • General strengthening effect, helps in the treatment of colds.
  • Helps with joint problems.
  • Treats skin injuries such as abrasions or scratches.
  • Helps well with lumbar and back pain.
  • Helps with chronic fatigue.

Ready-made aspen broom Experienced bath attendants say that an aspen broom is very helpful for people suffering from tuberculosis. Take note!

The benefits of linden broom

Linden brooms (this category also includes maple and rowan brooms) have been undeservedly forgotten in our time, and in vain, because the linden broom is superior to birch and oak in its medicinal properties. Linden leaves increase sweating, which leads to the rapid removal of toxins and waste from the skin. Let's look at the main advantages of a linden broom:

  1. A diaphoretic, we get rid of nasty things in the body.
  2. Antimicrobial agent, promotes healing of small wounds.
  3. Increases human immunity.
  4. Linden vapor helps in the treatment of bronchi and asthma.
  5. I recommend a massage with a linden broom, it helps to disperse salt stagnation in tissues and muscles.
  6. Excellent pain relieving effect!
  7. Helps in the treatment of headaches.

The benefits of nettle broom

A special broom for thrill-seekers? We all know how nettle is a “stinging” plant, but at the same time very useful. By the way, if you steam nettles correctly, they sting much less, but retain their medicinal properties. The main advantages of nettle brooms:

  • Dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow.
  • General strengthening agent.
  • Contains many vitamins and amino acids.
  • Heals and tones.
  • Treats many diseases, details here.

Preparation of nettles

The benefits of eucalyptus broom

Well, I think everyone has heard about eucalyptus? Indeed, eucalyptus is well known as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, and a eucalyptus broom is no exception. Here are just a few of the many beneficial qualities of eucalyptus:

  1. A good pain reliever.
  2. Helps in the treatment of radiculitis, sprains and muscle pain.
  3. Helps with joint pain.
  4. Prevention of colds.
  5. Treatment of runny nose, bronchitis.
  6. Helps with skin diseases.

Eucalyptus is a powerful antimicrobial agent

Basic mistakes and recommendations

There are a number of mistakes that a beginner can make when making a broom on their own. They can lead to damage to individual branches and flying leaves after 1-2 times of application. The most popular mistakes:

  1. Lack of knowledge about when to prepare linden brooms for a bath.
  2. Cutting off the old or, conversely, the youngest shoots.
  3. Storing bundles inside a steam room or dressing room.

Some novice bath attendants want to speed up drying and leave the bundles in the sun. This leads to overdrying of wood and leaves.

Linden brooms are less popular among bath attendants than oak or birch brooms, but they used to be very popular. After a massage with such brooms, a person’s mood improves and the functioning of internal organs improves.

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