How to steam a eucalyptus broom: the main methods

Fans of visiting a traditional steam room quite often prefer to use a eucalyptus broom to carry out the cleansing procedure. Although the raw materials used to make such brooms are unusual for many people, overseas eucalyptus is loved by many bathhouse connoisseurs. There are several explanations for this fact, the main one of which is the incredible benefits of the fragrant accessory. By using a eucalyptus broom for a bath, you can both enjoy the delightful smell of eucalyptus and significantly improve your own well-being.

Steaming a eucalyptus broom: method No. 1

How to steam a eucalyptus broom for a bath in order to preserve the infusion from it for a long time? This is a fairly easy procedure:

  1. Pour hot water into the basin.
  2. We lower the eucalyptus there for about half an hour.
  3. After a specified time, it is pulled out, and the resulting decoction is used as a sauna aromatizer.
  4. The broth is poured onto the heater and onto the walls.

You will immediately feel a delicate aroma, which is very useful to breathe during a cold or for the purpose of prevention.

Not everyone prefers eucalyptus panicles. The fact is that its branches are very thin and somewhat weak. But everything can be fixed. It is enough to take a birch or oak tree and weave a eucalyptus branch into it. This will give an even greater healing effect. As a result, it will turn out good and convenient, and the properties will be enhanced several times.

Eucalyptus steam room broom

Bath procedures bring a lot of benefits and pleasure; they strengthen physical strength and morale. A eucalyptus broom also adds to these benefits by helping with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and skin. In the steam room, the aroma of eucalyptus branches allows you to better relax, feel peace and tranquility.

Exotic guest from Australia

The first part of the word "eucalyptus" - "eu" - is translated from Greek as "good" or "good." "Kalyptos" means "closed", which refers to the flower buds embedded in a calyx. Europeans became acquainted with the tree from the warm regions of Australia and the islands of the Southern Hemisphere quite late, in the 19th century. Three species of the genus Eucalyptus - globular, ash-shaped and twig-shaped - are equally used in medicine. Wood is used in construction as a very durable material.


In Russia, eucalyptus has long been called a “marvelous” tree for its foreign origin and enormous size (up to 40 m). Then scientists proposed growing the most cold-resistant species in the subtropics of the Caucasus and Crimea. Now in Russia, essential oil, bagged leaves and bath brooms from eucalyptus are produced mainly on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

Many fans of the Russian bathhouse are unaware of the interesting features of this marvelous tree that does not provide shade. Eucalyptus leaves are positioned edge-on to the sun and can change with age. By appearance or even from a photo of the finished broom, you can determine which branches were used to make it.

Young eucalyptus leaves are broadly lanceolate, up to 10 cm long, soft, shiny, light or dark green in color with a bluish-silver tint. With age, the tissues become coarser, the color fades, and the leaf blade lengthens. Old leaves are pointed, reach 18–27 cm in length, they are pale green in color, often crescent-shaped.


Features of preparation and drying

Thin leafy shoots with evergreen leaves are cut from April to November. But the best in terms of healing qualities is considered to be a broom prepared from November to February. Some of the branches are cut off from the trees, and shoots are cut that are suitable in length and shape. The leaves are completely torn off from the remaining branches. Eucalyptus grows well after harvesting brooms and leaves.


The branches in the broom should be laid as shown in the photo on the right. The stronger, curved leaves are located on the inside, and the smaller ones are located on the outside. The handle is usually thin, because the thick shoots are not leafy and soft enough; they are not suitable for a bath broom. The branches, collected in a bunch, are hung to dry.

Air dry in a barn or attic where there is good ventilation. Do not leave in the sun or place in a dryer at temperatures above +40°C. Heating eucalyptus leaves leads to loss of essential oil, the main healing component. With proper drying and proper storage, the broom retains its green color and specific aroma.

The effects of eucalyptus on the body

In folk and scientific medicine, water infusion, alcohol tincture and essential oil are used. In addition, extracts from eucalyptus leaves are included in tablets, alcohol and oil solutions. Although the methods for extracting healing substances differ, the effect of treatment with various drugs is approximately the same.

The effect of essential oil, decoction and bath broom on the body:

bactericidal and fungicidal (kills bacterial and fungal cells),

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antispasmodic,
  • wound healing,
  • antiseptic,
  • painkiller,
  • expectorant.


An aqueous infusion of fresh or dried leaves can be drunk as a cough tea for sore throat, acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Infusions and tinctures are used for rinsing for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For the same ailments and runny nose, they do steam inhalation and wear special aroma pendants with essential oil on the chest.

During the cold season, with ARVI, pustular skin diseases, you can steam with a eucalyptus broom in a bathhouse or add a decoction of leaves and twigs to a hot bath. Furunculosis, burns, frostbite and eye inflammation are treated with washes or lotions with water infusion. Solutions with it are also used for douching and tampons for female diseases.


Essential oil is a colorless liquid with a specific odor. A complex of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves is included in the tablets, alcohol and oil solution “Chlorophyllipt”. These are green-colored preparations with a pleasant sweetish taste. Essential oil and extracts are included in syrups, aerosols and tablets used to treat respiratory diseases, bronchitis and whooping cough in children.

Benefits of eucalyptus broom

The evergreen leaves of the plant contain phytoncides, essential oil, tannins and bitter substances, and organic acids. The amount of oil varies from 0.5 to 4.5%. Its main components: cineole, tanning compounds, cinnamic and coumaric acids, gallotannins (strong antimicrobial substances). For medicine, cineole, pinene, phellandrene and sesquiterpenes are of greatest importance. Geraniol and limonene give the oil a pleasant aroma.

The effect of using a eucalyptus broom in a steam room:

  • Acts on nerve endings as a distracting and analgesic substance for neuralgia and rheumatism, and for severe pain in the lower back (lumbago).
  • Protects damaged skin from infection, heals cuts, abrasions, wounds and ulcers, reduces skin irritation caused by insect bites.
  • The steam from the leaves soothes the throat, dilates blood vessels and improves breathing.
  • Helps relieve symptoms of a range of respiratory diseases, including asthma.
  • Improves microcirculation, helps with joint, muscle and toothache.
  • Relieves mental tension and stress.

Those who prefer to combine plants can be advised to include eucalyptus branches in brooms from other tree species, such as birch or linden. This is doubly useful and even more reliable. After all, you still need to get used to eucalyptus, get used to it.

From plant residues after harvesting branches and herbs, you can make bath steams. Read how here.


Tips for using in a steam room

The leaves of the exotic tree release essential oil when steamed, which has a positive effect on colds, coughs and many other diseases. The aroma of eucalyptus is inhaled slowly, deeply, so that the beneficial substances penetrate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the bloodstream.


A dry broom must first be rinsed with warm and cold water, only then placed in a vat of hot water and covered with a lid for 10 minutes. After steaming, for better release of eucalyptus essential oil, the broom can be held over hot stones. You should steam carefully, because the narrow leathery leaves can cut thin, delicate skin. If you plan to use the broom again, shake it off the water and hang it to dry.

Our ancestors visited the bathhouse to cleanse and put their body and spirit in order. Modern man goes to the steam room for the same purpose. Therefore, bath attributes and actions with them have remained almost unchanged for hundreds of years.

Steaming a eucalyptus broom: method No. 2

You can steam a eucalyptus broom in another way. Almost all sauna visitors use it. Take it and soak it in hot water for a few minutes. After this, place in cold water. Do the procedure several times, alternating cold and hot water. Now he is ready to fulfill his destiny.

Do not rush to throw away the water in which the eucalyptus has been infused. The healing properties of eucalyptus can be used to treat problem skin by washing your face with it. You can also pour it on the stones and inhale the delicate rich aroma. Hair is often washed with eucalyptus infusion. With its help, they relieve inflammation and treat sprains and wounds on the skin.

The benefits of eucalyptus broom for a bath

Drying eucalyptus, despite the fact that it is a very outlandish broom, is no different from drying any other broom.
In order to dry the broom well, you should choose a well-ventilated dark place where the sun's rays will not reach. The temperature inside this room should not be lower than the air temperature in the shade. The brooms are tied, the handles of the brooms are wrapped in a bandage immediately or at the very end of drying. Then they are hung on a rope, in pairs. If there is no rope, then the brooms can be hung on the walls of the room. If you choose the second option, then periodically turn the brooms over so that one part is as dry as the other. In addition, the more often you turn the broom, the more likely it is to protect it from rotting.

The only difference in storing this broom from others is the special fragility of its branches. Indeed, eucalyptus twigs and leaves, if handled incorrectly, very quickly crumble and break. It is best if you store the eucalyptus bath broom in a dark, covered place.

You can steam a eucalyptus broom in the same way as others. To do this, dip the broom in hot water for a few minutes and then in cold water. Repeat the procedure several times. Remember for yourself that the water in which the eucalyptus broom was steamed is very good to use for washing or to pour on stones.

In a steam room, a eucalyptus broom is best used for patting the body. This broom is not suitable for massage due to its thin branches. If you handle it carefully, the large leaves can easily generate steam. You can put a broom on the stones, the air in the steam room will be excellent, and most importantly, it will be very healing for your body.

It is worth recalling that if you make a combined broom, for example a birch one, using eucalyptus twigs, then this broom will bring twice as much benefit to your body.

The great benefit of this broom lies in its beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of our body. The healing properties of the broom clear the airways. The air filled with eucalyptus scent tones and soothes. Essential oils have an effect on the lungs, as well as the bronchi. For the skin, the eucalyptus broom retains its whitening properties.

Antibacterial substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, and beneficial oils have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. In a word, using a eucalyptus broom has a very positive effect on your body, go to the bathhouse more often and steam using this broom and you will always be healthy, and your skin will look younger.

Eucalyptus oil is an anti-inflammatory, healing and antiseptic, and also nourishes the mucous membrane (for example, during the flu). Eucalyptus broom is very rich in beneficial properties. It is also added to inhalers, as it also treats the respiratory tract. So there is a use for it in the bathhouse - a eucalyptus broom!

There are some rules on how to properly make a eucalyptus broom, use and store it:

  • The best eucalyptus brooms, containing maximum healing properties, are collected in branches at the end of summer - beginning of autumn;
  • For the best quality, only young branches are needed, and since the branches are very thin and delicate, if they are strongly whipped, they easily break and quickly become unusable. Therefore, you should either handle it easily and not take long branches, or make a broom - a mix, where in addition to eucalyptus there will be birch or oak;
  • The water in which the branches were soaked can be used as an infusion to heal wounds;
  • After use, the eucalyptus broom is dried and placed in a dry, dark place, free of foreign odors;
  • If there are surviving eucalyptus branches left, they can be added to other deciduous trees.

The rules for steaming are the same as for other deciduous trees. Soak the eucalyptus broom for 3-4 minutes in warm water. It is also recommended to add this water to the stones, then the sauna will be a great inhaler, which is useful for the respiratory tract.

View other bath brooms

First of all, it should be made from natural materials. The most popular brooms for baths are oak and birch. Brooms made of bird cherry, fir and juniper are not inferior to them. But first things first.

Oak brooms are great for people with oily and problematic skin. They also cope well with skin diseases. Essential oils contained in oak broom cleanse the skin, moisturize and nourish it, and also normalize the production of sebaceous glands.

The benefit of oak brooms is that they help calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, tension, improve mood and sleep. The functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system is normalized, skin problems go away.

The best brooms for a bath: oak broom

More and more often, people use birch and oak brooms for baths, although linden is not inferior to them in its wonderful properties. It has excellent diaphoretic properties, which cleanses the body well. Vitamin C contained in linden strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various diseases. It is good to use a linden broom in a steam room if you have cold symptoms.

Linden flowers have a positive effect on the condition of the skin - small wounds and abrasions go away, the skin heals faster, elasticity and healthy color return. Linden also calms the human nervous system.

A eucalyptus bath broom is simply irreplaceable for respiratory diseases, especially for cleansing the airways. The smell of eucalyptus perfectly kills germs, improves breathing, and rids the nasal mucosa of pathogenic bacteria.

Eucalyptus broom normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain in joints, heals cuts on the skin and bruises.

Eucalyptus helps to relax and shift attention from difficulties, worries, problems, calms, puts thoughts in order.

Juniper broom has excellent bactericidal properties, helps fight high body temperature, if present. The only thing is that it is not recommended to steam in a bathhouse for a long time in high heat; 10 minutes is enough.

A juniper broom heals wounds on the skin, rids the body of toxins, and relieves nervous tension. Specialists first warm up well, and then use a broom, so the body will receive more benefits. The juniper broom is quite prickly, so it is better to massage it with light and quick movements.

A fir bath broom can strengthen the immune system and kill all germs in the air.

If you regularly spend time in the steam room with this broom, you can forget about colds for a long time. Fir contains beneficial oils, which, when exposed to steam, fall on the skin and penetrate deep inside, providing a healing effect.

Spruce broom is a coniferous species. It copes wonderfully with wounds on the skin - essential oils, when applied to the body, quickly heal them, and the steam from the spruce branches helps cleanse the lungs.

Many women use a spruce broom to combat fat deposits. With regular use of a spruce broom, you can forever forget about cellulite and say goodbye to extra pounds. Under their influence, fats begin to be burned more actively, the skin tightens, becomes smooth and elastic.

After using a spruce broom, it is better to rest for a while, wrapped in a blanket.

A bamboo broom is somewhat different from our usual understanding of a bath broom. A bamboo broom is a combination of several bamboo sticks; it is quite rigid, but at the same time its action is very effective. It is able to cope with pain by drawing it out, which is why it is often used after serious complications. Massage with a bamboo broom should be carried out carefully, the impact force should not be very strong.

A bamboo broom also has other beneficial properties - the condition of the skin improves, excess weight and skin problems go away. In addition, bamboo helps cope with stress and depression.

Surprisingly, nettle contains an incredible amount of useful microelements, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral resins. Thanks to the presence of formic acid, nettle broom has excellent wound healing and tonic properties.

Nettle copes well with skin diseases such as acne, boils, and psoriasis. The smell of nettle has a positive effect on mood - bad health is replaced by good health.

As we can see, the positive properties of a broom in a bathhouse are difficult to overestimate, especially if it is a bathhouse with a wood-burning stove. In addition to the above types, there are bath brooms, which are no less useful and healing. These include brooms made of pine, aspen, cherry, and currant broom. All of them have a pleasant aroma, tone the skin well and treat respiratory diseases. It is best to knit them in early summer. Which of these brooms is better is up to you to decide.

A birch bath broom is one of the favorites for bath procedures. Birch broom fights acne on the face and skin rashes, and perfectly cleanses the body of salts. Very often, experts recommend using a birch broom for those who have kidney problems.

Birch broom treats and prevents bronchial asthma and has a beneficial effect on the lungs. It is also able to treat coughs of varying severity.

Experienced doctors know that taking a steam bath with a birch broom guarantees recovery from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For women, a broom eliminates figure imperfections, skin imperfections, and even stretch marks - they become less noticeable.

The best brooms for a bath: birch broom

How and when can it be used?

How to use a eucalyptus broom for a bath - better as an object for massage. Small pats on the body will definitely do the trick. Thin branches have a beneficial effect on the skin without injuring it. You can safely create steam with a broom made from large leaves. To avoid steaming the water and pouring it onto the stones, you should immediately place the eucalyptus on them. This is a kind of inhalation that has a beneficial effect on the body.

How to use a eucalyptus bath broom? 3-25

Place a eucalyptus broom on your face and breathe in it for several minutes. This procedure works well on the respiratory system. It is especially useful for those who often suffer from a runny nose. The combined one will bring several times more benefits to both the body and the entire organism. It is enough to take birch and oak branches and weave them into eucalyptus.

Where can I get a eucalyptus broom?

Since eucalyptus grows in warm regions with subtropical and tropical climates, you will not be able to find it in the middle zone or in northern latitudes. Therefore, in order to experience the healing effects of this wonderful plant, you should go to the places where eucalyptus grows and there collect the required number of branches to prepare brooms. But you can do it much easier - order a broom on the Internet. To do this, simply enter in the search the following “buy a broom from eucalyptus” and, following the links, see prices, as well as delivery conditions. You will be surprised how many online stores offer medicinal brooms for sale at a very affordable price.

Eucalyptus brooms in the online store
It is best to purchase from well-known trading platforms to avoid getting into trouble.

Helpful advice! Since eucalyptus branches are quite thin, such a broom will be difficult to use. Therefore, for greater convenience, many mix eucalyptus branches and some stronger plants - oak, birch, juniper. Such a mixed broom will be just as useful, but will not become disheveled after the first strokes.

Some general recommendations for using eucalyptus

  1. Before steaming with a eucalyptus broom, it should be washed and rinsed thoroughly;
  2. Pay attention to the leaf, it should not be flabby and soggy. During steaming, monitor their condition.
  3. Do not throw away the water under any circumstances; it can also be used for medicinal purposes. Eucalyptus infusion strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and gives a pleasant aroma.
  4. If your broom is made from fresh branches, it is best to refrain from steaming it. Simply rinse in a hot shower to remove dirt.
  5. They can be used several times in a row, as the leaves retain their healing properties for a long time.

We prepare the “tool” for the bath ourselves

Although this is an unusual plant, drying it is no different from other tree or plant branches. In order to dry a eucalyptus bath broom, you need to place it in a dark place. It should be well ventilated. Make sure that the sun's rays do not fall there. The temperature in the room itself should not be lower than that in the shade.

The finished branches are tied with a bandage. This can be done both at the beginning and at the end of drying. It is better to connect them in pairs and hang them on a rope. It’s okay if there is no rope, they can dry on tables indoors. If circumstances force you to choose the second option, do not forget to periodically turn the brooms over. One side should not differ from the other in terms of dryness. Also make sure that the branches do not begin to rot or become moldy.

Storing a eucalyptus broom from a birch, fir or oak broom is due to the special fragility of the branches. If they are not handled correctly and with care, the leaves may fall off and the branches may break. Store them in dark places that are not exposed to daytime sunlight. Fold brooms in two pairs, i.e. 4 pieces. Remember, if someone puts their elbow or any object on them, your efforts will be over. Eucalyptus brooms can only be used for steaming infusions for rinsing hair.

Features of use in bath procedures

Among the features that the eucalyptus broom is endowed with, it is worth noting that thin flexible branches and long leaves require sufficient habit from the soarer to confidently work with such a tool in the “quilting” mode. Users note that such a broom lacks the necessary rigidity and a confident “response” to a particular movement.

By the way! This feature can be somewhat neutralized by the formation of a kind of broom hybrid. For example, 2/3 of the volume can be birch shoots and 1/3 - eucalyptus. You can work on the option with oak, in a 1 to 1 ratio.

In what cases should you use a eucalyptus broom for a bath:

  • Colds. For the best effect on the mucous membranes, “broom inhalation” is used, when a steamed broom is brought to the face and breathed through it for 4 - 5 minutes. Pouring 250 - 300 grams of water onto the heater, in which we previously prepared the broom for use, also provides shock doses;
  • Muscle fatigue, minor sprains and superficial skin cuts. Due to the fact that the eucalyptus bath broom is very gentle and delicate, the therapy for such conditions is softer and more dosed;
  • Nervous tension. The very specific aroma of eucalyptus oil helps to suppress anxiety, relieve insomnia, and calm nerves;
  • Acne and small superficial pustular skin lesions. The soft texture of the broom, combined with a powerful bactericidal and regenerating principle, can actively resist this disease.

A little more about the benefits

Eucalyptus is most often valued and chosen for its beneficial effects on the human mucous membrane. Its medicinal properties are able to penetrate the respiratory tract and clear them of mucus during a runny nose and pathogenic bacteria.

The air, which is filled with eucalyptus scent, acts as a calming and tonic. A large percentage of essential oils affect the bronchi and lungs.

Touching the skin, it whitens it, eliminates defects and damage. Makes it soft and elastic. Healthy oils improve blood circulation, and antibacterial substances keep it clean. Frequent use of eucalyptus branches will help maintain youthful body skin.

How to steam a broom correctly

A broom in a bathhouse is more valuable than money

It is customary to use several types of brooms for baths. The varieties are as follows:

  1. Of the deciduous plants, this is the most common type.
  2. Conifers. Used by lovers of sensitive massage. The most popular type is juniper bath brooms. They are also made from fir, pine and spruce branches.
  3. From herbaceous plants. Used for health procedures. They gained their popularity due to their special medicinal properties. The most common type is a nettle broom.

Criterias of choice:

  • strength of branches and handle;
  • type of plant used;
  • handle length;
  • drying quality.

Important! The most durable types of brooms are made from solid spruce or oak branches.

Useful purpose:

  • cleansing the body of dirt;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • acceleration of muscle recovery after exercise;
  • carrying out rejuvenating procedures;
  • preventive measures for the treatment of back pain, joint pain and respiratory problems.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Brooms for a bath: preparation, drying and storage
Due to its many positive functions, a broom becomes a necessary item for carrying out preventive and health procedures in a bath.

Spruce brooms

For quality time in the bathhouse, it is recommended to use spruce brooms. Due to the characteristics of the material, they are made at any time of the year. The product is very widespread in the bath accessories market.


  • collection of branches is carried out all year round;
  • availability;
  • low price;
  • soft leaves provide a gentle massage;
  • increased sweat production;
  • help with problems with joints and spine;
  • improving blood circulation.


  • many defective products;
  • not suitable for lovers of intense massage;
  • low strength of branches.

It is also great for carrying out a set of simple relaxing procedures. Due to the high softness of the leaves, massage can be done for children.

Birch broom

Deciduous plants have many beneficial substances and properties. A birch broom is a classic option for a Russian bath.


  • birch leaves contain flavonoids that cleanse the skin;
  • easily stick to the body, which facilitates the process of performing health procedures;
  • prophylaxis for the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory tract;
  • availability of goods on the accessories market.


  • despite the fact that birch has a very strong structure, it can break under high humidity;
  • not suitable for back treatment;
  • difficulty of steaming.

They are also perfect for people who have respiratory diseases. These include asthma and bronchitis. Useful for those who smoke frequently.

Oak broom

A product made from oak adds a specific aroma. Inside the plant itself there are many tannins that thicken the skin.


  • huge content of anti-inflammatory substances;
  • good for the skin of the whole body;
  • effectively helps with colds;
  • high availability of goods;
  • low price;
  • moderate strength of the material.


  • special skills required;
  • hard branches can damage the skin;
  • may break if exposed to high humidity.

An oak bath broom is very effective for lovers of high-quality massage with a pleasant aroma. Also great as a preventive measure in severe frosts.

Bamboo broom

Bamboo belongs to the cereal family and has many beneficial properties. Due to the high content of silicic acid, bath procedures will be useful for improving the condition of the skin and hair.


  • soothes the skin;
  • strengthens hair;
  • high flexibility of the material.


  • low availability of bath accessories on the market;
  • can cause allergic skin inflammation;
  • high price;
  • low strength of bamboo.

This type is perfect for skin care procedures and figure care. It is generally used to reduce stress and treat obesity.

Important! It is prohibited to use if a person has chronic diseases.

Eucalyptus broom

Eucalyptus is a medicinal plant that contains essential oil. During bath procedures it can help cope with severe colds.


  • many useful properties;
  • helps in the treatment of colds and runny nose;
  • has a unique smell that calms the nervous system;
  • relieves muscle tension.

How to steam a eucalyptus broom


  • not suitable for invigorating massage;
  • very narrow range.

We suggest you find out what kind of wood a broom is made from || What kind of wood is a broom made from?

Thus, a eucalyptus bath broom can be used for inhalation and for therapeutic procedures in general.

Nettle broom

Nettle is a stinging plant species. It has beneficial properties aimed at treating gout or radiculitis.


  • possibility of an invigorating massage;
  • treatment of diseases of the joints and spine;
  • relieves skin diseases.


  • has side effects such as redness of the skin;
  • may be dangerous for allergy sufferers;
  • very fragile.

It can be purchased in specialized stores at a low price. As a rule, it varies from 150 to 1250 rubles.

Juniper broom

Juniper is a good remedy for relieving fatigue. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the plant, you can perform a healing massage for bruises or injuries.


  • removes toxins;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • suitable for allergy sufferers.


  • difficult to steam with boiled water;
  • not suitable for a light relaxing massage;
  • Due to the sharp needles, skill is required.

It is also perfect for lovers of an intense, invigorating massage. Particularly useful after physical activity.

Fir broom

The fir plant is the opposite of the eucalyptus. It has an ambiguous smell and is not suitable for everyone.


  • availability;
  • low price;
  • reduces muscle fatigue;
  • hardens the body due to thorny branches.

How to steam a eucalyptus broom


  • not suitable for lovers of gentle massage;
  • may cause injury during intense massage;
  • may lose its hardness when steamed.

In addition, it is great for wellness treatments during the season of illnesses and colds. Recommended for use in winter.

Maple leaves have healing properties and also help in treating open wounds.


  • heals the skin;
  • can be used on damaged bodies;
  • absorbs toxins;
  • helps fight skin diseases.


  • may release resin that can harm the skin;
  • poorly resistant to cold;
  • product price.

It perfectly absorbs sweat and helps fight skin cancer. Young maple leaves can have the most powerful effect.

Linden is an ancient Russian medicinal plant. Due to its beneficial properties, it is used to treat neurological diseases.


  • low price;
  • can be grown artificially;
  • high strength of the material;
  • Suitable for a soothing massage.


  • many defective products;
  • the release of essential oils may have a negative effect on allergy sufferers.

They are recommended to be used as preventive measures for colds. The average price is 500 rubles.

Wormwood for baths

To improve the quality of bath procedures, wormwood is used. It is found in many medications. It is most actively used to strengthen the immune system.


  • has a restorative effect on injuries and insect bites;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • relieves headaches;
  • calms the nervous system.


  • the price of a quality wormwood broom is more than 1,500 rubles;
  • may harm pregnant women.

It is not recommended to use a broom made of 100% wormwood, since the stem of the plant is quite soft - it can break. Most often, a thuja broom is used for a bath, together with other plants.

Aspen contains the largest amount of essential oils. It also contains a lot of tannins. Unlike coniferous bathhouse brooms, aspen helps with burns and deep wounds.


  • relaxing effect;
  • availability;
  • moderate strength.

We suggest you read How to prepare an oak broom for a bath


  • with frequent use, it depletes the body;
  • not suitable for treating the nervous system.

It is also used even for cuts and subcutaneous diseases. Recommended for use by children as the material is quite soft.

For proper steaming, you need to have an understanding of the basic materials, as well as know the storage criteria.


  1. Place the broom in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes.
  2. Next, sharply lower it into cold water for 5 minutes.
  3. Place the broom in storage to create a certain elasticity.

The longer it is in hot water, the softer the branches become. For those who like a soft massage, it is recommended to lower the broom for 45-60 minutes.

A properly steamed birch broom is the key to a good massage. It is especially important to know how to prepare it for highly sensitive skin.

Steaming instructions:

  1. Prepare two basins with cold and hot water.
  2. Place in cold water for 4 minutes.
  3. Quickly transfer it to the second basin. Cover with a lid and wait 15 minutes.

Before performing bath procedures, you need to hold the broom over the stones. This will give it special flexibility and a pleasant smell.

The steaming method is similar to the previous one, but differs in time.


  1. Moisten the broom with warm water.
  2. Place in hot water for 2 minutes.
  3. Refrigerate for 7 minutes.

How to steam a eucalyptus broom

An oak broom is easier to steam than a birch broom due to its average strength. It takes just 10 minutes to prepare. In specialized stores, the user can buy frozen bath brooms, which are made from deciduous trees.

It is difficult to steam because it is rigid and takes longer to become flexible.


  1. Three hours before the bath procedures, the broom should be placed in hot water.
  2. Keep for 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Before use, hold over stones.

It is forbidden to pass a fir broom through cold water. This can make it too stiff and also break branches.

For correct storage, rooms with low humidity and no sunlight are used.

Storage rules:

  • the temperature should be more than 26 degrees;
  • lack of dampness;
  • keep away from heating devices.

It is recommended to store it in a barn, an insulated balcony, or a special dressing room. If stored properly, the leaves will not fall off and the aroma of the plant will remain intact. Pine bath brooms are the easiest to use, so beginners are recommended to start with them.

A broom with healing properties can be bought in a specialized store. When choosing, pay attention to the appearance of the products for the steam room.

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