How to store brooms for a bath, how to prepare them correctly

Types of bath brooms

Brooms can be made from young branches of birch, oak, maple, willow, and linden. There are bath brooms made from nettle, juniper, spruce, rowan and other plants and trees. Most of the brooms on this list should be prepared in the summer after Trinity, when the leaves are green and full of vitamins and healing oils. If you store them correctly, you can provide yourself with a bath tool for the entire fall, winter and spring - just until the next season.

Oak brooms will be more fragrant if you put herbs (wormwood, mint, nettle) and eucalyptus sprigs inside them.

When preparing rods for a broom, try to treat the wood with care. Remember that it can serve you for many years. Do not touch too young trees, do not destroy them for the sake of a few branches. Some harvesters specifically plant oak and birch seedlings every year to replenish nature’s storehouse.

Why are brooms frozen?

Brooms are most often frozen to preserve the “fresh broom” effect. I think that not a single bath attendant will argue with me - the best broom in the world - fresh, green, just cut.

Steaming with a fresh broom, be it birch or oak, is a real pleasure. No properly dried and steamed dry broom can compare with a fresh broom.

fresh birch branches

We use the green king of the steam room not only for broom massage. How great it is to breathe in the real aromas of a fresh birch, oak or linden leaf on a frosty winter day! Any bad day can “sparkle with new colors”, your mood improves - as if you were in a spring forest.

Preparation for drying

The process of making a broom can be divided into several stages:

  • the branches are cut;
  • sort and collect together;
  • tied tightly in several places;
  • form a handle.

The ability to skillfully knit brooms is acquired with experience. Branches for them must be taken from the middle of the tree. There they are quite flexible and rich in nutrients. You can buy ready-made brooms at the market, learning how to choose them correctly.

The height of the finished product can be from 30 to 60 cm. Everyone chooses the density as desired. Some people like fluffy little brooms, while others like big, loose bundles. Be sure to take care of the handle. It should be free of knots, properly rounded, neither thin nor thick, so that it is comfortable to hold on to in the bathhouse.

Which brooms are best to freeze?

A broom with a dense leaf is better suited for freezing. Here we have one clear leader - oak branches. The stronger the sheet, the better it will withstand freezing conditions and, after defrosting, will be a high-quality and reliable assistant.

Meet frozen bath brooms

Herb brooms are not known for their durability in normal use and I don't think freezing is suitable for them. However, maybe I'm wrong...

Coniferous brooms do not tolerate freezing equally well. The juniper needles fall off quite quickly, but the fir holds on for five!

But, nevertheless, I am of the opinion that needle helpers should not be frozen. If there are no coniferous trees in your area, then a frozen broom made to order will be quite expensive. It won't last long in the steam room, you have to be prudent.

Drying and storage

The branches collected together and compacted must be dried properly. They are dried by tying them in pairs and hanging them in a well-ventilated dark place where they cannot fade from the sun and where mold will not grow among the leaves. What kind of place it will be, choose for yourself.

Experienced harvesters hang bundles in attics, sheds, hay barns, spacious dry storage rooms, and in the corridors of bathhouses. There should be a distance of 15–20 centimeters between them for free air circulation. The main thing is to prevent the leaves from drying out and falling apart. It is necessary to preserve the aroma and nutrients in each branch.

It is not recommended to store brooms under the roof if it is too hot there. Sometimes the thermal insulation of roofs leaves much to be desired and the temperature in the attic rises above 40 °C due to the heated roofing material. Drying and storage cannot be done under such conditions, because the leaves will dry out and fall off. Here are a few more storage rules.

  • You can wrap the brooms in paper so that less aroma escapes from them. At the same time, the paper will protect them from dust and allow air to pass through.
  • Do not place birch and oak branches on tightly folded boards, as this may be prohibited.
  • It is better to hang recently made bundles that have not yet dried rather than lay them out flat.
  • Dry branches are highly flammable, so keep them away from stove pipes and heating systems.
  • The best place to store brooms is dry, cool and shaded.

Juniper and spruce brooms cannot be dried. If you want to store them for a long time, then put them in the freezer.

Where to store brooms

There hasn't been much more storage space for a long time. Previously, barns, attics, and even haystacks served as storage.

Modern life has not added many storage spaces: cellars, garages, verandas, cardboard boxes, mezzanines and even freezers.

But still, finding the ideal place is not so easy. A dried broom is quite capricious and finicky.

The first task of long-term storage of a broom is to preserve the main wealth - foliage.

Dry, almost lifeless foliage is not easy to preserve: it breaks, crumbles and flies off.

Four main rules must be followed:

  1. Natural ventilation of the broom storage area.
  2. Darkness.
  3. Cool.
  4. Natural air humidity.

High humidity in the room will not be an ally during storage; the broom will freeze, become moldy and completely rot.

Direct sunlight will dry out the broom, the foliage will turn yellow, the aroma and all the beneficial properties will be lost.

The attic of your own home can be an ideal place to store a large batch of brooms if the material with which the roof is covered has low thermal conductivity.

The sun's rays heat the attic roof to record temperatures and a real inferno forms in the attic, in which the brooms will quickly dry out.

Often the only free place to store brooms is a barn or garage. But in these cases it is necessary to follow certain safety rules.

There should be no chemicals or other caustic, volatile substances in the garage or shed. All the chemicals are firmly absorbed into the foliage and the broom loses its usefulness. But it will generously return the aromas of gasoline, oil, paint, and other chemicals to the steam room.

Prepared brooms should not interfere with your daily business activities. If you constantly disturb them, touch them during work and when rearranging household objects, the foliage will break off and fall off. Instead of a luxurious bath broom, you get an ordinary broom...

Storage in the apartment

Residents of apartment buildings are better off buying ready-made brooms shortly before going to the bathhouse. But if you decide to make a broom with your own hands, then set aside a place for it on the balcony in a specially prepared cabinet. It must be dry, dark, and air must circulate. Owners of personal garages can store bath accessories in them.

Two or three small brooms can be placed in the freezer, wrapped in cling film or wrapped in a bag. This method allows you to preserve the color and smell of the branches. After defrosting, the leaves look fresh.

Before using in the steam room, the broom must be steamed. Birch and linden are poured with hot water; oak and juniper brooms can be poured with mild boiling water. Leave them for 30–60 minutes to soak. Linden branches can be left for only 10 minutes, as they become slippery after getting wet.

It’s even better to first soak the broom in cold water for a couple of hours, and then just water it with hot water. In this case, the aroma will be more intense. A good-quality oak and juniper broom can be used several times if you do not share it with anyone. Rinse it and dry it by hanging it on a nail. Linden and grass brooms quickly crumble, they are enough for only one, maximum two, baths.

How to store a broom after a bath

Our Russian economy sometimes reaches the point of ridiculousness. After using the broom, you want to save it for reuse.

The broom, which is used a second time, has a rough name - maggot.

If the maggot has not lost its main supply of foliage, after the steam room it needs to be rinsed with warm water. Shake off the water and dry on a bath shelf, then hang in the dressing room.

Maggots are not subject to long-term storage, maximum until the second bath.

It is believed that the broom gives off all its benefits and strength during initial use, so most bathhouse attendants consider the use of maggots to be a pointless exercise.

How to store birch brooms for a long time

Many people, especially those who like to spend time in the sauna or have their own sauna, do not know how to store birch brooms so that they can serve for a long time and retain their properties over a long period of time. First of all, it is necessary to note that the brooms must initially be dried. Proper drying is essentially the first stage of proper storage of a birch bath broom.

It is necessary to dry the brooms under a canopy; to do this, you need to stretch a strong rope and attach the brooms to it. There should be some distance between them, through which a flow of fresh air can easily circulate. If there is not enough space, then the brooms will need to be turned over periodically, otherwise moisture will remain in the places where they come into contact with each other. After they are completely dry, they should be stacked tightly one on top of the other. This will give them a certain shape that will visually resemble a fan.

Additional tips and tricks

To extend the service life of the broom, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Fresh products must not be stored immediately. It is important to dry them thoroughly. Damp accessories often harbor midges, which lead to their damage.
  2. You should not store your bath accessory in a steam room, as this will cause it to become dry.
  3. There is no need to keep dry devices near chimneys and stove pipes. This may cause a fire.

Storing a birch broom is a rather difficult and responsible issue. To achieve good results and preserve the product for a long period of time, it is important to provide it with suitable conditions.

A steam room without a broom is nonsense in the bath business! Preparing good, solid brooms for a bath is half the battle. The main concern of the owner of his own bathhouse is to solve the issue of storing brooms: how and most importantly - where.

Our winter is long, we need a lot of brooms, and storing more than 50-100 brooms becomes a real problem.

Storing a birch broom

After the brooms have been dried and laid one on one, they must be placed in dry plastic bags, securely closed and placed in a dark place. Moreover, the place in which they will be stored must have a cool air temperature. It is better to release as much air as possible from the bag. This is necessary to prevent water vapor in the air from condensing during a possible temperature change.

You can also use cardboard boxes instead of bags, as well as boxes made of plywood or natural wood. They will be even more preferable to bags, since the brooms will “breathe” in them. Boxes with brooms can be placed on the balcony, in the pantry or on the loggia. The main thing is that they should not be exposed to sunlight, which will cause your brooms to dry out quickly. Now you know how to store birch brooms, but these are only the simplest ways to store them. We'll talk about more clever ways to store them below.

Optimal storage conditions

When storing the product, you should definitely focus on the optimal temperature and humidity parameters. Lighting and ventilation in the room are of no small importance.


It is best to store brooms in a cool room. For this device, the optimal temperature range is considered to be +10-25 degrees.


Birch brooms do not like exposure to liquids and high humidity. If this rule is violated, they begin to rot and become moldy. As a result, there is a high probability of complete rotting of the material.


The broom should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun. That’s why they try to place it in a dark place. If the recommendation is not followed, the product will dry out and lose its aroma. There is also a risk of yellowing of the foliage and loss of beneficial characteristics.

Using salt for storing birch brooms

If you want your birch bath brooms to be stored for a long time, and at the same time remain green and fragrant, with a characteristic pleasant smell, then you can sprinkle them with a small amount of ordinary kitchen salt.

Salt will help preserve not only the color and aroma, but will also ensure that birch brooms remain soft and flexible even for two years.

But it is worth saying that such long-term storage using salt does not occur at room temperature, but in the freezer. And if you intend to remove such a broom from the freezer, then this must be done approximately one or two hours before using it. During this time, it will be able to thaw at normal room temperature. It is not recommended to re-freeze this broom and it is better to use it immediately for its intended purpose.

Collection of branches

Favorable storage conditions should be created only for those brooms that have been correctly collected and prepared. Such brooms will fully reveal their potential in the steam room. An error at the first stage of preparing brooms can lead to the fact that the traditional attribute of the Russian bath (even if stored in ideal conditions) will be unsuitable for use - for example, all the leaves will remain in a container with water after the first steaming.

A quality bath broom begins with choosing the right time to collect twigs. The collection period differs for different tree species.

  1. Birch brooms. The most popular type of bath broom among Russian bath lovers. Birch branches are cut at the very beginning of summer. Depending on the weather, the period for collecting birch branches can last until mid-June. A proven way in which experienced bath attendants determine the readiness of birch branches for harvesting is by studying the surface of the leaf. The top side of the birch leaf should be velvety to the touch. If the leaf has already hardened, then it will not be possible to make a good broom from such a plant.
  2. Oak brooms. Oak branches, massive and voluminous, are valued by bathhouse attendants for their excellent massage properties. Oak branches are cut in July, and in some cases - almost until the end of summer. A change in the color of oak foliage from bright green to matte is a sure sign that the branches can be collected.
  3. Coniferous brooms. Brooms made from coniferous trees are not used as often in the steam room compared to products made from deciduous trees, but long-time bathhouse visitors add variety to their relaxation with the help of spruce, juniper and fir brooms. Tougher than deciduous, coniferous brooms are indispensable for therapeutic massage for back pain. Coniferous brooms are collected all year round - this is, perhaps, one of their main advantages.

Preparing a broom for a bath

Note that a dry broom is not used immediately; it is pre-steamed in water. But in order to preserve the leaves on it, this must be done gradually, dividing the steaming into several steps. To begin with, simply rinse the broom with warm water. After this, pour almost hot water and put a broom there. Cover it on top and keep it this way for about a quarter of an hour. After this procedure, the leaves become silky and very pleasant to the touch. Severely dry birch brooms are doused with boiling water several times.

How to properly reuse a broom

Birch brooms are allowed to be used 1-2 times. Oak accessories are considered more durable - they are used at least 2-3 times. To reuse the product, it is recommended to rinse it with warm water and dry it. Coniferous brooms can only be used fresh. They are pre-soaked for 15-20 minutes in boiling water. In this case, the basin with the product should be tightly covered with a lid. When the broom becomes soft, it is allowed to be used.

Birch brooms are allowed to be used 1-2 times.

However, those with sensitive skin should not use coniferous products. It is permissible to use such devices 3-4 times. To re-use, rinse them in warm water and dry.

How to properly store bath brooms in an apartment or house?

Anyone can assemble a bath broom, but not everyone knows how to store bath brooms correctly. The quality of steaming and whether the person steaming will benefit from this procedure depends on how to store bath brooms.

Basic rules for drying and storing brooms in the house and apartment:

  • It is advisable to mix different types of plants. You can add a sprig of laurel tree to the birch branches. This will add a noticeable aroma.
  • Fresh brooms, freshly picked and tied, are not stored. First they need to be dried.
  • When drying, it is necessary to get rid of the dried leaves, and it is better to tie the branches with gauze or cloth rope.
  • Using a knife, knots that can cause damage are removed.
  • The best month for harvesting is July.
  • Dry in a dark, ventilated area, hanging.
  • Can be preserved by freezing. To do this, use polyethylene, which is used to wrap the product and place it in the freezer.
  • Do not store in warm and damp rooms, near stoves, radiators and other heating devices.
  • It cannot be kept in a steam room or in a lying position on a wooden surface.

Best places for drying and storage:

  • Rest rooms in the bathhouse.
  • Attic, barn.
  • In the apartment they dry it and store it on the balcony, hanging it from the ceiling.
  • Canopy. Negative aspects include the effect of insects on products.
  • Bags and nets. This method is used for mass procurement to reduce the occupied area.
  • Hay. Storing in hay does not allow the product to become moldy or spoiled.
  • Forest. This method involves cutting branches for a broom in the forest immediately before going to the bathhouse.
  • It's cold in winter.

Three tips for storing brooms

  1. Fresh brooms cannot be stored immediately. The broom must dry. Damp oak and birch leaves can harbor midges that eat the broom into dust.
  2. It is not recommended to store a broom in a steam room; it will dry out.
  3. Do not store dry brooms near stove pipes and chimneys, they can cause a fire.

There is a saying: “nothing can ever be done by itself.” If you have the knowledge, all that remains is to find the time to prepare the brooms for storage.

What could be better than a good quality steam room with a good broom when there is snow and bad weather outside?!


The most important thing is to prevent the effect of direct sunlight on a fir bath product. The sun makes the branches dry, and the fir broom loses its beneficial and aromatic qualities. The needles become orange-gray in color, and the leaves begin to fall off.

The effect of high humidity also affects the needles, making them dark in color. The needles wrinkle and fall off. Therefore, the collection of fir branches is carried out in warm, non-rainy weather, at the moment the dew disappears.

It should be stored in a dark, ventilated and dry place.

  • Many professional bath attendants do not immediately make a product from fir branches, but make a sheaf from them and dry them in straw in the attic. And before taking bath procedures, branches are removed and a broom is tied from them. This method protects against drying out and debate.
  • Dried grass is spread out in any dark place, and fir branches are laid on it at a distance from each other. They are covered with straw on top and turned over every three days.

After a month, they are covered with a large amount of grass. In this state they can remain until autumn. If necessary, the branches are taken out and tied.

  • In apartments you can store a fir broom by wrapping it in a thick layer of paper.

How and where to store birch and oak brooms in winter

The traditional storage method is to hang brooms in pairs. The method is old, this is how brooms have been stored from time immemorial.

Of course, there will always be losses with this method! Changes in weather conditions and humidity affect the appearance of the broom. The branches may bend and fluff in different directions. It's time to remember traditional Russian ingenuity!

To maintain their shape and protect the foliage, brooms can be wrapped in paper and hung separately from each other at a distance of 15 cm. The storage location can be a barn, attic, or veranda.


Before storage, the eucalyptus broom must be dried. Drying it is done in the same way as with other types of brooms. For this purpose, choose a dark, ventilated place where there is no direct sunlight and high temperature.

The branches need to be tied, create a handle and hang them from the ceiling or on the wall of the room. When choosing the second option, it is necessary to constantly turn the products over to ensure even drying and to eliminate the possibility of rotting.

Eucalyptus must be stored very carefully, as its branches are characterized by increased fragility and brittleness. The best storage location would be an inaccessible, lockable room.

Common Mistakes

Sometimes birch brooms begin to crumble immediately after harvesting. This is due to a violation of technological processes. Inexperienced bath attendants often make the following mistakes:

  1. The branches are collected too early or, conversely, too late. There are specific terms for the procurement of products, taking into account the climate of the region. Typically the season lasts from early June to mid-July.
  2. The product dries too quickly. This provokes a decrease in leaf strength. When drying a broom in direct sunlight, it will fall apart the first time you visit the bathhouse. Natural drying in a dark room increases the duration of the process, but helps maintain high strength.
  3. Birch branches are harvested in wet weather. Collecting material during precipitation is strictly prohibited. This is not recommended for 5 days after heavy rain. Also, the material should not be washed after collection. Excess moisture will reduce the strength of the product. You can wash it during the procedure - just pour boiling water over the broom.


A warm sunny day is used to harvest birch branches. If the humidity is high during harvesting, the leaves will rot, darken and curl, and eventually fall off.

Knitted products must be dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. An attic, barn, or balcony are suitable for this. Hanging dry.

Storage is carried out in dark places. The sun's rays negatively affect any broom, causing yellowing of the leaves and loss of aroma.

You can also store them in a box with holes for air circulation. The products are placed in a box and stored in a cool place away from sunlight.

For city residents, storing bath brooms on the balcony is popular. They are tied to a rope near the ceiling.

Drying birch brooms

There are basic rules for drying brooms:

  1. Before drying, you need to make sure that the leaves are not wet from rain or dew. Moisture during drying quickly spoils the product, the leaves will curl and darken.
  2. Dry in a dark, well-ventilated area.

You can dry and store the broom by hanging it on a rope in the attic of a bathhouse or barn. In this case, it will be quite voluminous, similar to a broom. The leaf will curl in different directions.

There is another, more complex method - horizontal drying. Before drying, it is necessary to clean the floor of the room (attic).

Brooms are laid out in several rows. Every day you need to change their places, put the wet ones on top and the dried ones down. Under the weight of each other, they will become denser and become like a fan.


Oak brooms are harvested in the summer. Choose branches in dark places where burdocks grow. These brooms will be durable when used.

Dry in dark, ventilated areas away from sunlight. Subsequently, the product is pressed under heavy pressure. This is necessary for convenient storage.

Stored in rooms with good ventilation, outdoor humidity and temperature. Packed in paper to allow the broom to “breathe” freely. For long-term storage, products are placed in boxes and placed on a wooden surface.

If properly prepared and stored, this oak product can be used for more than two years.

how to pack a broom

Moving with a baby. Practical advice

In the modern world, rented apartments are becoming increasingly popular; many want to live separately from their parents, or in more spacious conditions; some come from other cities to work. They are building new housing, buying and renting out apartments, which means they have to move and transport all the furniture and belongings to a new place. But if you are renting an apartment, unfortunately, you may be asked to move out at any time. When moving, it’s good when you have enough time and you can move the furniture and things step by step, then move yourself. What if there is no such time? And you are asked to vacate your home in 10 days? It’s doubly a disaster when you have a baby and nowhere to put him. Grandmothers live in another city, or simply cannot look after the baby, best friends go on vacation, situations are different. Moving with a child is a fire, a flood and an earthquake rolled into one. And if you don’t want to accidentally find children’s shoes in the washing machine. And you don’t want your child, while you are packing things, to scatter flour around the kitchen, stick plasticine suddenly found in the closet to the carpet, try to fit between the closet and the mover, and also artistically paint your favorite chest of drawers with multi-colored felt-tip pens while you are packing your suitcase , be sure to write a moving plan and a packing plan. Of course, if you have sufficient funds, you can order specialists from an apartment moving company who will collect everything and transport it for a certain, considerable amount, I must say, in the highest class. But, if you are limited in funds, we will help you figure out exactly what you need. Do you have a plan? Take paper, pen and write down everything you need to buy and collect first. The first thing you need to think about in advance is where and how to pack. Here's what you'll need for packing: Stock up on packing tape, cardboard boxes and bags of different sizes. There are especially many boxes left in children's stores. You should agree with the seller in advance to leave the boxes for you, and also check when they can be picked up, because they are usually thrown away. It’s better to immediately take a rope to tie up the boxes and think about how you will carry them home. Be sure to buy a marker (permanent is better) and label all the boxes and bags where everything is, otherwise you risk not finding half of your things when you arrive at your new apartment. You can label the boxes in sufficient detail: “Kitchen: forks, spoons, knives, large frying pan, kettle.” You can limit yourself to only the inscriptions on the boxes “Kitchen No. 3”, and write down the contents of the box in detail on a piece of paper that will be with you. Number all your items and boxes. This will make it more convenient to count the amount of luggage and identify the contents and place them immediately in the appropriate rooms. What goes where? Initially, it is better to pack what can break. If you don’t have a TV box left, you can wrap the TV in a blanket and tie it with ropes or tape, you can do the same with mirrors. You can take the simple route - buy special packaging material, but this is not suitable for everyone, since it is not cheap. It is very convenient to put soft toys and things in bags a la shuttles (large checkered bags). Such bags are usually sold at clothing, grocery or construction markets. Large 120 liter garbage bags are suitable for the same purpose. You can also put bedding, linen, and children's clothes there. For outerwear, you can purchase special covers for storing clothes (they will be useful in the future for winter clothes). If funds do not allow you to do this, then 120-liter bags will come in handy in the lower part of which a hole is cut for a hanger hook. It is more convenient to put books in boxes. It is also easier to pack dishes and vases into boxes, rearrange them with various things, or wrap them in a sufficient number of newspapers. Where to start collecting? You can collect things by room, or you can plan packing according to things, say, first we collect outerwear, then bedding, and so on. Here you should act as you prefer, but the main thing is to write down the sequence. First, you can put away books, things that you don’t use every day, and go through pantries and mezzanines, if you have them. It is quite possible that you can easily get rid of half of your things, because it is when you move that you discover how many unnecessary items our apartments contain. You can follow this rule - if you haven’t used an item for more than 2 years, you can safely throw it away. Carpets are especially difficult to roll up. If you don’t have time to knock them out, you can vacuum them with a washing vacuum cleaner or wipe them with a damp cloth, and then roll them up, wiping the outside at the same time, and place them in the corner of the room. When transporting, it is better to remove carpets from the old apartment last, and bring them in first so that they can be immediately laid out on the floor. After they bring things in, it will be problematic to do so. Last but not least, we assemble the refrigerator and turn off the washing machine. With a baby, you often have to do laundry, so it’s better to wash all the children’s clothes in the old apartment, since in the new apartment you will have to reconnect the washing machine. Organizing the children's space It is best to assemble the children's room last. You can fold in advance things that the baby does not wear, and also slowly remove toys that he rarely plays with. But the child’s corner itself should remain the same as he is used to until the last moment. This is necessary so that the baby is not in constant stress. Moving for him is something incomprehensible to him; it is difficult for him to understand why adults are running around and collecting everything. The child must be explained in advance what is happening and where he will go. You can tell him how beautiful and good it will be in the new place, what new toys he will have there, and what a beautiful view from the window there will be. Explain to him that everything remains the same. All his things will go with him, and his mother, of course, will be nearby. It is also better to tell a very young child about this in a form that is accessible to him. But, nevertheless, the fact that the mother cannot devote much time to the baby is stressful for the child. And your task is to protect him from this as much as possible. That’s why it’s so important not to change your baby’s daily routine: walks, meals and sleep. And it is better that the toys and appearance of his bed, room, children's corner remain the same as long as possible. If your baby cannot walk, a playpen can serve you well. Even if you were previously a fierce opponent of playpens, it is better to borrow this useful invention from someone. Kids love to watch their mother run around and look at different objects. If the baby already knows how to walk and climbs everywhere he can, you will have to come up with something new every day while getting ready in order to distract him from the mountain of objects that suddenly appeared from the closet. True, the baby will most likely try to help you. And here the question arises: What to do with the baby during training? Surely the first thing that comes to mind is cartoons. But children under the age of 3 should not watch a lot of cartoons. So, toys. But it’s unlikely that the baby will want to play with familiar toys when there are so many interesting things around. Of course, no one except the mother knows what her baby likes most. But many children love to play with water. A basin of water, several bowls, and place all this wealth in the bathroom on the floor. Water can be easily removed from the floor in the bathroom, but the child will be occupied for some period and happy. If your child loves books, you can buy many interesting small books or magazines with funny pictures. It also takes a long time to play with coins, fold them and put them into bags or jars, but this is only suitable for those children who no longer put everything in their mouths and, accordingly, cannot swallow them. It is clear that it is better to wash coins with soap and water before giving them. Also, sets of horses, pets and waterfowl are going great. Such sets are inexpensive, but they will captivate your child for a long time if you show him how to play with them (if your child is over 2 years old, role-playing games with various animals are quite suitable for him). If your baby doesn’t want to leave your side even for a minute, involve him in getting ready. Assign simple tasks: put his things in a bag, put toys in a box. And help seal it. If your child has a lot of toys and he likes to take them out, throw them, and put them away again, buy nets with a frame for toys. They are very convenient to transport all sorts of small things. You can give your child a stack of colorful magazines and newspapers to tear apart. Kids love to tear newspapers and look at pictures in magazines. Comics are also doing well, there are a lot of different pictures. But this is more suitable for children over 2 years old. Children from one and a half to 2 years old cannot do one thing for a long time; they often, if adults do not pay attention to them, protest by throwing mother’s things out of the closet and throwing objects. Such children cannot be captivated by books or horses, so offer the child adult objects: saucepans with lids, a ladle, a basin. At this age, they like games in which they can fold, tuck, or move things from one thing to another. Various containers (boxes, jars, bottles) and objects that can be placed there (ping-pong balls, large pebbles, chestnuts, walnuts, pieces of foam sponge, but always of a size so that the baby cannot swallow them) will be useful. If you make a small hole in the lid of a jar-box, you will get a wonderful toy. You can put small toys there that will fit in there. Leave on the shelves that the child can reach something that you don’t mind letting go to pieces for play. And let him throw away all this wealth from there for his pleasure. During preparations, a problem may arise that the baby will follow you like a tail. This is not the worst option. Just put his favorite toys in every room. What he likes to do, and give it to him on time. Kids love to imitate their mother. Get a “magic bag”. When you collect something, place a bag next to it and let your baby put there, for example, his toys or something from drawers and shelves. The bag should not be too big, because after your baby falls asleep, you will have to disassemble it. While the baby is sleeping, it is better to collect toys without the baby. The child may think that they are being taken away from him forever and will be upset. If you have to disassemble furniture, then it is also better to do this while the baby is sleeping or on a walk. Having recklessly decided to dismantle the closet and bed in the presence of the baby, you may find that half of the screws and small parts were stolen by your baby, and you will chase him for a long time, trying to take away the “super toys”. Moreover, while you are dismantling the closet, you have to make sure that its parts do not fall on someone’s head. Therefore, ideally, it is better to order a furniture assembler so that a professional will disassemble it and reassemble it in a new place. Once everything is packed, seal the bags with tape. Children can unpack everything back. “If mom is packing, we need to help her and return everything to its place.” And when you, having finally ordered movers and a car, come to the kitchen, you can see a mountain of pots towering on the floor. Hour X When the loading of things and furniture begins, it is important to take care in advance of where the baby will be. If you have a nanny, the problem is solved - send the child with the nanny for a walk, or to her house. If there is no nanny, and there is no extra money for her, ask a friend to help you, and if a friend does not dare to take the baby with her for such a long time (for example, she has little experience with children), just send them for a walk in the yard, equipping them with instructions and everything necessary . Options vary and depend on the number of members in your family. For example: your husband is moving, and you are walking with your child or going to a new apartment with the bare necessities. If suddenly, the baby stays with you in the apartment while the furniture is being taken out, tell him in advance that people will now come to help move his crib and things to the new apartment, so that the baby is not afraid of strangers. Take him to a room where all things have been taken out in advance, or first of all, until this moment, stay with your baby in the kitchen. Leave in the room some toys for the baby, children's books, scoops, a bucket, small toys to put in the bucket. Packing an “emergency” bag In order not to forget anything, pack the essentials for yourself and your baby, something that should always be at hand. Children's medicines, and a first aid kit for adults, toiletries, a change of clothes, shoes, a couple of clean towels, wet wipes, mineral water, something to snack on. Don't forget your mobile phone and its charger. The phone number of the company from which you ordered the car and movers should be at hand, just in case. It's a good idea to have tape or string and scissors in your purse, or give them to someone who will monitor the progress of loading and unloading. When to transport your baby It is better to bring your baby to the new apartment last, when all the things and furniture have already been unloaded and arranged. Or, take the child with his crib and essentials before moving, but this is problematic, because then you will have to transport the basics from the baby’s room, which means ordering another car separately. Moving Make a plan for your new apartment in advance, and draw where and how the furniture will be placed, and in what order it will be brought in. This is necessary so that during the move there are no unpleasant surprises, say, the refrigerator does not fit into the kitchen, or first one cabinet will be brought in and because of this the bed will not fit. If you have time, it's definitely easier to move some of the furniture first. Then those things that are not things of everyday use. And only then what is difficult to do without. Be sure to estimate how long it will take to load things in advance. It depends on the volume of luggage and the number of movers. Calculate the travel time and the amount of payment for the car and loaders. It is better to start loading early in the morning in order to have time to complete the entire move before the baby wants to sleep. The first thing you need to think about is the availability of movers and a car that will actually transport your precious furniture and belongings. It would seem that everything is simple, but there are many pitfalls here. First, you need to know the volume being transported. If you are transporting both furniture and belongings, and even more so from an apartment where you have lived for a long time, it is better to immediately ask a specialist or loader to come so that he can assess with a professional eye the size of the car you need. Of course, it is better for movers to specialize in residential moving. It is better to order both the movers and the car from the same office. We advise you to contact those who charge hourly, and not for each item. Most often, it is extremely difficult to count the number of things during a big move, so everything will be counted towards you, including small handbags. And here the main thing is not to faint from the number of zeros when paying. It is advisable to transport valuables and equipment (TVs, stereos, floor lamps, lamps, mirrors, computers, etc.) in advance by car. Food When moving, there is absolutely no time to think about what to eat. Therefore, it is best to stock up on sandwiches, tea in a thermos or juices. Secondly, we need food for another apartment. What you will eat when you wake up in a new place. Tea, coffee, bread and whatever you are used to eating in the morning, I don’t think you will have the strength to run to the store in the morning. The easiest way for a child is to buy food in jars that can be quickly heated and juices; boiled potatoes, cucumbers, apples, carrots, pears, and yoghurts are also suitable. After the move Immediately after the move, count the number of bags and boxes. The first thing that needs to be assembled and installed is, of course, a crib. It is advisable that the person in charge of the move immediately tells the movers where to put everything so that furniture and things are in their place. A set of baby clothes and the baby’s most necessary accessories should be in a separate bag, which is best placed so that it is always at hand. What things are needed right away? Towel, diapers, baby powder, plates, cups, bottle, and, of course, baby toys. The list can be continued indefinitely, but it’s better to immediately think about what you and your child will need on the first evening in a new apartment. Typically, this is what is needed for washing, eating and sleeping. And now everything has been transported, the furniture has been arranged, it would seem that the nightmare is over, but all that remains is to tidy up the previous place of residence, wash the bathroom, loggias, wipe the windows and window sills, and also take away those things that we did not have time to collect. Cleaning the previous apartment If you decide to go clean the apartment with your baby, be sure to prepare or leave small toys in advance. For example, little people and a car, or a series of rubber horses or pets. Small children love small toys, besides, such toys are remarkably developing fine motor skills. Be sure to leave a blanket and a pillow for the baby if he wants to sleep. And also a stroller if your child is used to sleeping in it. Do not forget to leave a saucepan to cook something to the baby, and spoons, knives, forks, cups. You can take care of food for the child in advance, but with a quick move, as a rule, once. Then the jars of food and rapidly soluble cereals left in the old apartment will be saved. Of course, you will need all the reasons for cleaning: rags, garbage bags, mop, scoop, broom. Well, if you have a harvesting kit for kids, it will help if the child suddenly rushes to help you sweep or wash the floors. It is better to leave a few bags in an old apartment, as a rule, there are always many small things that have been forgotten. So, all the furniture is transported, the old apartment was rented out. Now you have to disassemble things in a new place. And this is a completely different story. And then no one will rush you. Although, any move is considered a difficult event, it’s not so scary, the main thing is to approach everything with humor, a good mood, and a detailed plan in the hands, and then from any move can be made a fun and interesting event, as they actually perceive. these are kids.

Freezing dry brooms in the snow

There is a unique way to “reanimate” dry brooms - burying them in the snow. The Russian people are generous with inventions

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