Do-it-yourself black bath: construction features

The Russian bathhouse has an ancient history. It is believed that the first native Russian baths arose during the times of ancient Kievan Rus. They were quite primitive structures: small log cabins, half buried in the ground. They usually consisted of one room, which was used both as a steam room and as a washing room. Such a bathhouse was heated, naturally, in black (the smoke remained in the room and came out through the doors and holes in the roof).

White baths appeared much later, somewhere at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Their main difference is the presence of a chimney and two rooms (steam room and dressing room). Despite the fact that the white bath is a more modern option, the ancient method had its advantages.

How to spell correctly, emphasis on the word “in black”

Synonyms for “black”

Sentences containing the word "black"

  • The oldest Moscow baths were heated in black
    to save wood.

Quotes from Russian classics with the word “in black”

  • It’s good that the residential hut is heated “black”; In the morning, at first light, the hostess will flood the stove, and the smoke will absorb the miasma accumulated in the hut.

The meaning of the word "black"

1. special (about heating) with a stove without a chimney; smoke passing through a room (Wiktionary)

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The meaning of the word "black"

1. special (about heating) with a stove without a chimney; smoke passing through the room

Sentences containing the word "black"

The oldest Moscow baths were heated in black

for reasons of saving firewood.

Black bath in summer

they started heating at three o'clock, in winter - even earlier, sometimes right in the morning, so that everyone had time to wash before sunset.

We just stick to the old fashioned way and drown it in black

because the air in a hut is healthier.

Synonyms for “black”

Map of words and expressions of the Russian language

An online thesaurus with the ability to search for associations, synonyms, contextual connections and example sentences for words and expressions in the Russian language.

Reference information on the declension of nouns and adjectives, verb conjugation, as well as the morphemic structure of words.

The site is equipped with a powerful search system with support for Russian morphology.

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Anatomy of a bathhouse inside and out

Let's try to understand the question of what a black sauna is, by examining its design in detail. So traditionally this is a squat log structure with a canopy over the porch. As a rule, the ceiling height in such a bathhouse rarely exceeds 200 cm. The exception is modern bathhouses, which are very popular in Finland, but we will talk about them later.

The doorway is very low, the threshold, on the contrary, is high. The threshold cuts off cold air, and the small area of ​​the doorway helps to better retain heat. It is not for nothing that in Rus' making a low opening was considered a tradition and good form.

Any adult was obliged to bow low when entering the bathhouse and show respect to its real owner - the bathhouse. Bannik, along with ovinnik, were traditionally considered the most unfriendly and, at times, evil yard spirits. Often the bannik, for the slightest manifestation of disrespect on the part of people, could easily steam them to the point of loss of consciousness, or even choke them to death with fumes. The door is massive and dense. The door should always be located on the leeward side. So that the wind would not push the smoke into the room, and it could freely exit through the slightly open door.

The windows in the log house are small, even small, but always hinged. One window should be on the south side, and one on the west. It is rightly believed that this way they provide maximum illumination in a minimum area.

The interior layout is very simple. The fireplace is located in the middle or closer to the door. This arrangement makes it easy to maintain the stove and distribute heat more efficiently. A couple of low benches are gathered under the windows. Under a blank wall, at some elevation, there is a shelf. The oven is interesting. There is no traditional chimney.

From the firebox, smoke freely rises upward through the opening, through the grate on which stones are placed. The black furnace has long been built from igneous rocks; metamorphic quartzite is well suited to our conditions. If you don’t have time to look for a suitable natural stone, then a high-quality fireclay-type firebrick will do.

Give way to the smoke

The legendary rule of the modern experienced driver - the rule of three Ds, Give Way to the Fool, to some extent works here. Only here is unimpeded movement ensured for smoke. And there is an explanation for this:

  1. The smoke ensures uniform heating and disinfection of the entire volume of the room.
  2. The faster the smoke circulation, the better the energy efficiency of the entire system and the better the fuel efficiency.
  3. High-quality removal of smoke from the interior of the room is a guarantee of safety.

We save firewood

It should be noted right away that a real black bathhouse can only be heated with wood. This is how the unique atmosphere of a black bath is created, so valued by connoisseurs. Firewood is very important, and in many ways key.

Aspen, birch and oak firewood are good. They are high in calories, have a low content of heavy resins, and birch and oak are also very important for creating a real bathhouse spirit. The Russian black sauna is approximately 2.5 times more economical than its cousin of the same size, the white sauna.

You can increase the thermal insulation qualities of a black bath by burying it in the ground to approximately the level of the windows. Then it will take no more than 2 hours to warm up the internal volume, which is on average 12 cubic meters, counting from the moment of kindling. Smoke exits through special smoke openings of small diameter, equipped with valves or dampers.

As a rule, they are located at the top of the wall, where it meets the roof. Somewhat less often, such chimneys were installed in the roof. Ventilation of the room is also carried out by opening the door and windows.

The meaning of the word "black"

in black

1. special (about heating) with a stove without a chimney; smoke passing through the room ◆ His wrinkled face and big head now looked like a gloomy village bathhouse that was being heated in black

: Smoke is pouring out of all the cracks. Yuri Koval, “At the crooked pine”, 1979 (quote from NKRYA)

2. decomposition secretly, illegally ◆ “I didn’t give it up,” I helped. - You speak in black

, did you agree? “Well, yes,” she said more or less normally. Andrey Volos, “Real Estate”, 2000 // “New World” (quote from NKRY)

Making the Word Map better together

My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out! Thank you!

I began to understand the world of emotions a little better.

Features of the black steam room

The steam room got its name because of the black color of soot and smoke that is released when wood or coals burn. The steam room is open and not equipped with a smoke exhaust pipe. Therefore, the fumes, before leaving the room through the sliding hole in the ceiling, first spread throughout the room and only then evaporate. Thanks to this treatment, the interior surface of the room acquires a black tint over time.

Steam rooms are based on the five-wall principle, where there are four load-bearing walls, and the fifth wall divides the room into a steam room and a dressing room.

The door in a Russian bathhouse is made small so that as little heat as possible escapes from the room. On the contrary, the threshold should be high so that it is more difficult for cool air to penetrate inside.

To use the steam room, you should lightly ventilate the bath rooms. A little time must pass after the wood burns for the hazardous substances to evaporate and for the steam room to “infuse.”

How to spell it in black

Black, dark, envious, rude, naughty - salt in the eyes. - Black, cherry (red), envious, unruly, naughty salt in the eyes (they say, letting a child leave the house and pouring salt on the crown of his head to prevent spoilage. Cherdynsk.). See HEALTH ILLNESS... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

TO THE BLACK SEA - “TO THE BLACK SEA”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1957, color, 8 hours, 2027 m., 74 min. Comedy, road film Comedy about a newlyweds' trip to the Black Sea (I. Izvitskaya, A. Kuznetsov). It’s enough just to miss a turn in the right place once, and the journey will turn into... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

Journey to the Black Sea - “Journey to the Black Sea”, “Periplus maris Erythrei”, gr. "Periplus tes erythras thalasses" a manual by an unknown author for seafarers and merchants, written in Greek. The date of creation of the work is not precisely established (from ... ... Ancient writers

The white meat did not stick to the black dough. - (white pens?). See HELP BY THE WAY... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

drank black - adj., number of synonyms: 27 • drowned vodka (24) • flooded (77) • flooded grief... Dictionary of synonyms

in black - in black ... Spelling dictionary-reference book

IN BLACK - very strong, terrible. *Are you lying? I never lie. Well, you’re already rambling… The language of Odessa. Words and phrases

hit it hard - [1/1] Commit theft without prior preparation. There’s no time at all, we’ll have to hit the black one. Criminal jargon ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

error when switching from white to black - - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN white to back error ... Technical Translator's Guide

carrier level corresponding to black - - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN carrier reference black level ... Technical Translator's Directory

Features of laying a stove for a black bath

The main difference between this stove is the absence of a chimney.
Stones take a long time to heat up, but they are also capable of releasing heat for just as long. Before starting work, the fireclay brick should be rinsed. If you use clay, then you need to soak it in water until the bubbles stop coming out. You can build the structure with your own hands in the following sequence:

  1. We lay a double layer of waterproofing. The best option is roofing felt.
  2. We lay out the first continuous layer of brick. Be sure to ensure there are no cracks or gaps. For masonry we use a mortar for stoves made of refractory clay.
  3. We lay the next two rows with a hole for the air vent.
  4. We cover the resulting ash pit with a steel or cast iron grate.
  5. We lay out the firebox of the desired shape from brick. Traditionally, rectangular fuel compartments were made in Rus'. The thickness of the walls should be from 12 to 25 cm. The thicker the wall, the higher the heat transfer of the stove will be.
  6. Having laid out the penultimate row, we lay down rods or squares with a diameter of 2 cm made of steel.
  7. We lay the last row and wait until the structure dries a little.
  8. We lay out bath stones of basalt or volcanic rocks. First we put large ones (13-15 cm in diameter), then medium ones (5-10 cm), then large ones again.

Be sure to leave a gap between large stones.
This will allow the smoke to escape freely. However, please note that the flame should not pass above the level of the stones. Don't forget to also protect the wooden elements near the stove. The walls can be covered with a sheet of galvanized iron. A traditional black stove does not require the installation of a tank for heating water. In the old days, hot stones were used for these purposes, which were thrown into a basin, thereby heating the water.

How to spell correctly, the emphasis in the word “drinking black”

Associations to the word “drink”

Synonyms for the phrase “drinking black”

Sentences containing the phrase “drinking black”

Associations to the word "drink"

The meaning of the word "drink"

DRINK, drink, drink; past

drank, –la, drank (
with negation
didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t drink);
present drinker;
suffering past pity, pete, pita, pito;
without additional
Swallowing, absorbing something.
liquid. To drink tea.
To drink beer. I'm thirsty. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

The meaning of the word "black"

1. special (about heating) with a stove without a chimney; smoke passing through a room (Wiktionary)

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The meaning of the word "drink"

DRINK, drink, drink; past

drank, –la, drank (
with negation
didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t drink);
present drinker;
suffering past pity, pete, pita, pito;
without additional
Swallowing, absorbing something.
liquid. To drink tea. To drink beer. I'm thirsty.

The meaning of the word "black"

1. special (about heating) with a stove without a chimney; smoke passing through the room

Sentences containing the phrase “drinking black”

As soon as I was freed, I immediately started drinking black.

, but he can’t...

He had never shied away from alcohol before, but after my meeting with the stupid neighbor he began to drink heavily


Mother and father drank black

, so there was no one to look after the young men and teach him wisdom by example.

Synonyms for the phrase “drinking black”

Associations to the word “drink”

Associations to the word "drink"


Map of words and expressions of the Russian language

An online thesaurus with the ability to search for associations, synonyms, contextual connections and example sentences for words and expressions in the Russian language.

Reference information on the declension of nouns and adjectives, verb conjugation, as well as the morphemic structure of words.

The site is equipped with a powerful search system with support for Russian morphology.

Source of the article: %8C%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8F-%D1%81%D0%BB%D0 %BE%D0%B2%D0%BE/%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D0%BF%D0%BE-%D1%87%D1%91%D1%80 %D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%83

Manufacturing instructions

The work on constructing a stove for a black sauna is divided into several stages. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

General scheme

Scheme of a stove for a black bath

Construction of the foundation

This operation must be performed during the process of laying the main foundation. The large mass of the structure will require an additional base for the heater:

  • We dig a pit to a depth of 500-600 mm. Remember that the base must exceed the dimensions of the oven by 700-1000 mm;
  • We make sand and gravel backfill and compact it. To do this, you can fill the sand with water and when it dries, walk with a hand tamper. We bring the layer thickness to 100-150 mm;
  • we fill in a layer of thermal insulation made of expanded clay with a thickness of 150-200 mm;
  • We cover the bottom of the pit with a 150 mm overlap on the walls with roofing felt, geotextile or plastic film. This is the base waterproofing layer;
  • we connect sections of steel rods with wire and reinforce the foundation;
  • We make formwork from the boards so that the foundation protrudes above the base of the bathhouse by 50-70 mm. for large sizes, you will need to install several jumpers, which serve as beacons when pouring the solution;
  • we order or make a concrete mixture by hand and pour the solution into the pit. We level the concrete using a rule made from a board or profile pipe;
  • compact the layer and bring it to the required height;
  • at high air temperatures, fill the base with water and cover with film. In this case, the concrete does not crack. This operation must be performed several times a day.

The base of the black sauna stove is ready, you can move on to the next stage of work.

Wall and ceiling insulation

While the concrete hardens, we carry out work to protect the walls and ceiling from exposure to high temperatures. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a layer of thermal insulation, additionally covered with foil to reflect heat. In this case, the heat will be distributed evenly throughout the steam room.

It is difficult to independently apply a layer of thin foil to mineral wool or other insulation, so it is better to use a construction version of the material on a thin paper base. Among such materials we can highlight the moisture-resistant “Ruf Izol”, which can withstand heating up to 1200.

Among the ready-made panels with a protective screen, the following are in demand:

  • "Isover Sauna";
  • foil "URSA";
  • "Sauna Butts"

With such slabs, the spaces between the sheathing bars are filled, and foil tape is glued to the joints.

The ceiling is covered in the same way as the walls, but it may need to be secured with lintels.

While work was being done to protect the walls and ceiling, the concrete had completely hardened and you could proceed to the main operation.

Furnace masonry

Ordering a sauna stove in black

Masonry work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Soak or rinse the fireclay brick with water. Clay ones will need to be filled with water and left until all air bubbles leave the surfaces.
  2. We cover the base with a double layer of moisture protection. It is better and cheaper to use old roofing felt.
  3. We mark the dimensions of the oven. We apply a layer of clay and cement solution on the base in a ratio of 5 to 1 and lay out 1 row of bricks over the entire area of ​​the future heater. It is important to try to lay the first row exactly along all planes and according to the markings. All seams must be filled completely, without voids.
  4. We lay the second row on the mortar so as to tie the bricks of the first row. In the middle of the base we leave a cavity for arranging an ash pan and a blower. There is no need to make it large; it is enough not to lay 2 rows of bricks in the middle.
  5. We lay the third row of bricks on a thick layer of mortar according to the same pattern, leaving a vent groove.
  6. We weld the pieces of reinforcement and lay the grate. If the rods are not long enough, they can be butt welded.
  7. We lay out the walls of the combustion chamber with the thickness of the walls being brick. On the front side we leave a window for storing firewood.
  8. We bring the walls of the firebox to the required height, and lay a grate for stones on the penultimate row. It can be made from steel rods, the thickness of which is 14-16 mm, which are welded in the form of a lattice with a size between the rods of 100-150 mm.
  9. We apply a thick layer of mortar on top of the lattice on the bricks and lay the last row of bricks.
  10. We begin laying stones. First we place the large ones, leaving small gaps between them for the passage of air and the escape of smoke; in the second row we place smaller stones. Then we repeat the installation, alternating large and medium stones, gradually making a spherical arch of the heater.
  11. In the classic version, tanks for heating water were not installed. Small ledges were made on the vault, on which basins of water were placed; it was quickly heated from the heater to the required temperature. If you wish, you can wall up a steel water container on the back, install a tap in it and use the hot water supply.

    Ready oven

Important! Do not leave large gaps between the stones at the bottom of the heater. Flames can pass into these cavities and burn human skin or cause a fire.

Examples of other options for finished structures in the photo:

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

You should not immediately start your first trip to the steam room. You will need to perform, albeit not the main, but very important work (drying and kindling).


This operation is necessary to remove residual water from the brick and mortar, which, if quickly heated for the first time, can cause cracks. Therefore, you will need to gradually dry the stove and only then add a full load of firewood.

It may take up to a week of gradual firing of the stones, mortar and bricks to completely remove the moisture. Several times a day, we fill a quarter of the firebox with dry wood and light the stove. Then you can do household chores. After 5-6 hours we repeat the operation.

Ideally, 1 stack of firewood should burn completely within an hour. At the same time, do not forget to open the vent on the stove and the bathhouse door. In the following days, gradually increase the amount of firewood, gradually bringing the combustion chamber to full capacity.

In the first days, wet spots will form on the walls; when the release of water from the bricks stops, you can safely start using the stove. You should not use resinous wood for drying, especially in the first days. It is better to dry the stove with thin branches or wood chips from deciduous trees.

How to build a stove?

To build a stove yourself, you do not need to have any special skills. The structure consists of a firebox, a blower, a lattice element, and stones laid out on top. You can add a tank where the water will be heated.

Work on creating a stove-heater is carried out in the order style. Laying is carried out in several stages:

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm deep. Lay a layer of crushed stone with sand at the bottom. Compact the entire layer thoroughly. Cover the bottom and walls with polyethylene, which is used in construction. Thickness - no less than 300 nanometers. A replacement for this material can be roofing felt.
  2. Place a reinforcement grid in the hole.
  3. Fill everything with concrete. Using a building level, level the top surface.
  4. After the concrete has hardened, lay roofing felt in 2 layers.
  5. Lay out the first brick row in a continuous manner.
  6. A hole is left in the next layer of masonry into which the blower will be mounted. This is repeated several times. Cover the ash pit with a cast iron or steel grate.
  7. Form a rectangular firebox from fireclay bricks. Its height corresponds to the vertical dimension of the door. A neat arch is laid out around the doorway.
  8. Insert steel rods into the penultimate brick row.
  9. Place boulders on the grid. The largest ones are placed at the bottom. Leave gaps between the stones so that smoke can escape freely.

Before construction, you need to prepare clay and fireclay bricks, a grate, a masonry mixture based on clay and sand, round stones, and concrete.

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